I once commented that all American holidays can be redefined as
National Something Subjugation Day

Today was one of the motivations towards that idea. Now, I came up with this during High School. You know, “the best years of our lives™” Back when I was training to be a monk

So, I played the “valentine game” I picked three people that I was ‘curious’ about. Now there were some people that I thought were going to pick me. I guess I could have made it easy on myself and gone with them. But I didn’t.

Today, I discovered, three people wrote me notes; but alas; none were the three that I wrote. I’m pretty sure I know who all three were… One has already verbally verified.

So, I am spared the embarrassment of having told three net beings that I was sorta something about them. *LOL* You hope for the reaction to be all blushy and fluttery. You expect Cecily to tell you, “Oh, William. You’re beneath me.” 🙂

So, I could be all disgruntled and the lot… but there were three people that picked me. And that’s cool. If you’d like me to know it was you, feel free to write or comment. I’m touched and won’t embarrass you. Further if you’d like to ask if it was you that I set my less than respectable sights on; I’ll fess 🙂

On other meme type silliness. I made the 20 inanely shallow questions test. This is one where you get to rank different aspects of me anonymously. Most are shallow, some try not to be; but are anyway on the merit of the medium.

As of last night I’d had 7 people

I’m amused that my worst stat is the evaluation of my driving ability. It’s down to 5.5 and dropping consistently (10 is best) I’m amused because I’ve had less accidents driving in the past 18 years than some people have in a year. The count of accident’s I’ve caused is 0.

Beyond that, my hair has taken a dive with a 5.6 *guess long just doesn’t buy it) Physical features are about a 6.4

But someone has taken pity on me and my datability has risen to 6.5

I don’t really take it all personally. If I did; I wouldn’t have put it out there 🙂

Well, I’m off to a training seminar in a few hours. So probably no posts until Sunday.

Enjoy your NSPS Day. try not to trip over anything Pink. It’s allllll over our cafeteria commons area.

Have a good weekend all!

02003.03.22: repaired bold tag in first line that made the entire post bold.

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