Tag Archive: system

My political opinion

In the past few months our government has passed laws along the following lines
Warrant-less Wiretapping
Arrest without due process
State laws making talking about specific topic on the internet a felony

My issue is not with any one individual law but with an idea.

You remember ideas?

We are told to remember the idea, not the man, because a man can fail. He can be caught, he can be killed and forgotten, but 400 years later, an idea can still change the world. I’ve witnessed first hand the power of ideas, I’ve seen people kill in the name of them, and die defending them…

There was an idea in the founding of this country that
“One is innocent until proven guilty”

Personally, we as a nation have given leave to our govenment to say,
“We no longer trust innocence.”

Our litiginous society is now eager to find and prove guilt. So much so, that we will pick away at the only wholes some people have to prove said innocence.

Everyday, I see pop up windows that ask the question, “Do you trust Bush?”… I have to be honest… because of our society.. I don’t trust government. We have allowed our government to become a self-supporting beast that does one and only one thing.. it protects itself.

The bipartisan system has evolved to a state where it is impossible for a third party to grow an interact. By having two parties, there is always that feeling of “Us” (the good guys) and “Them” the bad guys. There’s always someone who’s fault it is that is making life bad for us and we just need to believe in “our team”

But everytime something passes in govenment that you personally don’t like… be assured that someone from your party defecteed to allow it to pass. See that’s the hard part because how can you voice your discontent… You can throw them out of office by voting for someone on the other team.

Now all your like minded, politically aligned friends, think you’re missing the big picture

Well, I’m here to remind you what the big picture is:

Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.

Most of us (and let me say that is about 80+%) of us. Want to live a life, have people around us we care about, do things with them, and have the basic necessities of life.

Food, shelter, clothing. That’s it.

The US Government currently believes that the poverty line for 2006 is $6,400 per household and $3400 per person. What this translates to is that a household is expected to need no more than $533 per month for rent and utilities and $283 per month for food, clothes, and personal necessities.

Less that Ironically the neighborhoods that have the lowest cost housing also have the least amount of taxes to pay for local law enforcement. No cops? Anyone will do anything to get by.

Because, returning the the government… if the government can’t take a financial piece of it… it must be illegal. (once again, you are a criminal). One of the current major group of laws we deal with every day is as follows:
    vice based laws (prostitution, drugs, gambling, sexuality)

A note of interest here: vice is defined in the Random House Unabridged Dictionary as:
an immoral or evil habit or practice

Well, you know me.. it’s all about the words.

Same sourceimmoral“: violating moral principles; not conforming to the patterns of conduct usually accepted or established as consistent with principles of personal and social ethics.

sigh… immoral = not being moral… some definition. But it adds the word ethics in.

Ethics are moral principals, being moral is acting ethically. Call Yosarian we have a vicious loop with no definition, let’s let the government decide for us.

An example of all this. The idea behind temperance was that Alcohol was the way of the Devil. Now overlooking the entire part of this where we are basing our legal direction on a religious belief… Oh, I guess we can’t. Because of religious and then governmental scare tactics… we went so far as to change the US constitution to tell us what we couldn’t do. As pointed out in a letter to notmy congressperson, “The constitution is designed to explain how government is limited, not the people”

But here we are… a nation of victims being scurried around like animals… afraid of our own shadows, willing to stand by and let each freedom be taken away from us. Little rules that tell us when the liberties of free speech and expression are not permitted.

The (TSA) supervisor told Bird he had the right to express his opinions “out there” — pointing outside the screening area — but did not have the right “in here,” Bird said.

For those who haven’t been to an airport recently, I have a link here to a 20 second clip I put together of how going through TSA screening feels. Of course, by making this clip, I open myself to cease and desist action.

How did this happen? How did we let things get out of control. Do we care… Well, obviously, not enough of us do care. Nobody wants to be the squeaky wheel. Well for the most part. Because we’re taught to disrespect the noise maker.

This is nothing new, and at the same time it is nothing old. What it is, i one step closer to being impossible to do anything about it when you feel that it’s happening to you.

(To be continued)

One of my readers posted a question in her journal:

Someone needs to explain just what in tarnation is up with this:

Police Academy 2006?!?

As a bit of a self-made authority on pop-culture… Or at least someone who spends far too much time learning the meta of pop culture, I opted to answer her question…

Why can’t they leave our historical hell at rest?

So, I went to a temporary clearing site. Basically, they will email your resume to all the temp agencies in the area. They charged me $25 to send my resume to 140 sites. I then received 40 bounce mails telling me the address was wrong or that I’d spammed them. I followed up with an email asking if they’d pro-rate back my payment.

In the mean time I was contacted by Kelly support services. They asked for my resume (which was supposed to be sent with the mass emailing) I noted that while I was enclosing my resume, I was willing to look at work outside my professional path (translation: I’ll take anything for the love of g-d)

I got back just now an email which said (and I kid you not):
We appreciate your interest in Kelly Services, but need to have your resume
in a Word format in order to read it.

I made the mistake of sending the resume in text format. Let me make that statement again, they were unable to read my resume because it was in text format and need to have it in Word format in order to run it thru their filtering program read it.

On the upside, I’m back to prescreen with the 4-coloured pane of wall glass. At least they move quickly in their decisions. So… we’ll hope to have more on that by the time the week closes.

I played Poker today. Some online and then some with shimmeringjemmy for what it’s worth… I played really well. The gods of luck have decided that I am their b*%$h at the moment. Never have I had suffered decks that were not merely cold but out and out frigid. I watched my stack whittle down as I threw away 58o 74o K4o. I watched as my calls got eaten on A9s KQs. I watched the table fold to my raises on KK. It was like there was no way that anything was going to work. I played shimmeringjemmy 4 rounds only to watch her have the nuts each time I went all in. The final hand against her with my stack to the breaking point, I went All in with A10s, she had AJs and nothing hit until the river… a J.

So, I really feel like the gods of fortune, luck, and chance have basically decided to see what kind of a workout they get for their steel-toed-boots on my karmic groin. Trying to maintain a sense of focus and optimism. Other good news maybe coming in to put off hard times… But it’s still scary. About 8 applications out today (not counting the bevy of temp agency stuff).. Something’s gotta give soon. And I really don’t want it to be me.