Archive for February, 2002

… when even the mundane things in life make you extraordinarily happy.

The safe computed range for cholesterol is a Total Cholesterol to HDL ratio that is under 4.98

Today, my doctor very calmly notified me that my cholesterol was at 5.10. This is marginally high and I need to take steps to correct this.

Personally, I was elated. This confused her.

Then I explained that my birthday present last year was a blood test that said my cholesterol was at 6.64

For those people who’ve been wondering if I’ve been taking steps to make my life better, and take better care of me as a person…

By personal behavior modification only (food, diet, exercise)

April 2001: 6.64
Feb 2002: 5.10
Safe: 4.98


Coming up for air

Dear diary. Must remember to suck it up when I work 8-5 on a Sunday. 110 hours for the last 2 weeks.

I have about 10 journal entries I want to make but unfortunately, I’ve been to bloody ripped to shreds to make them. Not there’s really anything wrong with me…just really beat from work.

I will be catching up on my entries soon.

No, really, I will




Riding the bus can sometimes suck… (1 of 2)

I was riding the bus into work (as always) (I think it was Saturday). Now let me set the scene for those of you who don’t ride public transit. About 70% of the seats are 2 side-by-side facing forwards. The front 30% however, are parallel to the ‘walls’ of the bus facing inwards.

On this day I was on my second bus (I need to transfer busses due to the size of L.A.) I was in the first row of coupled side-by-side seats. I had my foot up on the last parallel seat. This should give you the idea that there were plenty of open seats. On the seat next to me was my shoulder bag and on my lap was my computer.

I was working on a rather nasty bug. Big deadline and all. I look up and there is this man standing there. He’s about 65 or so and he’s glowering in a manner that can only be likened to “Old Mr. Jenkins complaining about those damned juvenile delinquents again!”

He stands for a moment and gruffly barks… “Would you stop taking up the seat.” (Now a quick note here. By state law, the front 30% of the seats must be voluntarily given up to any person that is disabled or a senior citizen. About half of those seats were open. I tend to have a rule about taking up both seats when mine is the only free one.) “You’re depriving me of my rights” he continues in his medicare supported bark.

My feet are on the seat in front of me (also empty) because my seat is also at the busses wheel-wll and there isn’t really a place for the bag here. None-the-less, I move the bag and try to put it at my feet. The man drops into the seat intentionally at an angle and pushes me into the wall of the bus. “Who do you think you are to deprive someone of their rights.”

Well, at this point I’m annoyed. This ‘old fart’ (Note: I have great respect for age…when it is deserved) has really ticked me off. There were plenty of available seats and I wasn’t depriving him of anything except maybe the chance to be a spoiled, old angry man.

So I figured, I’d deprive him of that, too.

I knew how to deal with this kind of behavior. I’d dealt with my mother’s irrational anger. The worst thing you can do to someone who wants to piss you off is to not let them. It’s a nasty habit of mine I used to do accidentally. Now it was with 100% intent. I became “CAPTAIN PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE”

“Well gosh, sir….” In my best Mr. Rogers’ voice….I actually used the word ‘gosh.’ I didn’t think I was depriving you of any rights. There were oh so many seats available in the section of the bus reserved for someone of your senior stature.” My voice became almost sing-song and full of utter respect that was obviously false “I’d hate to think I was taking up more room than I should. With oh so moany seats open, I’d only assumed that someone like you would naturally desire the seats for people like you.”

Obviously this ploy was working. “Shut UP!” he wittingly said.

“Well, gosh! I’m sorry, now it seems that I have offended. I was just trying to continue the deliberation of the policy you wanted to explain to me. I felt, that since I was in such grievous error in my public transit etiquette that I would benefit from the clarity of the policies that you were bringing to my attention.”

“JUST SHUT UP.” And he got off the bus at the next stop.

Sometimes I can be an evil person. This day I felt utterly vindicated and I feel even the angels were looking down and saying, “You done good.”

As I was getting ready to leave the bus I heard someone approximately my age mutter to a person next to them, “What a horse’s ass.” I turned around with a wry grin…”Which one…him or me?” The person shared a smile…”I guess both of you…But yours was funny.”

“A yo-wee-yo….”

2002. Is it over yet?

You know… by this time in 2001, I’d lost my job and at a good stage of finding another one.

2002 Was definitely different. Work has been going much smoother. There aren’t angry public arguments between executives

So, as I’m again not getting tired until 3 (And I know I’ll here from Ar over his 😉

Here’s the 2001 Summary so far:

1. Recover from failed trip to see Rose Parade. Skeleton explodes. C of egoa kicks in again. Big add post holiday depression depression
2. Sick..Nauseous; 102.5 temp…
3: It was pneumonial But Ari is coming to visit
4: Ari visits 😀 ; See Memento ($18)
5: Massive work crunch
7: Start religious studies. Classmate brings over Fight Club. Saw it…..$21
8. Father dies.

Bed time… Hopefully Ari will understand my insomnia.

Looking back at 2001 first.

I said 2001 was going to be my year. I was working for a tech company in San Diego and had pretty much been assured a nice kushy raise after the first.

2001: Within a day. 1-2-1 I was (along with almost 70% of the staff) laid off. The year would be one of the most extraordinary ones I’d go through. Well, by the end of 2001 I was…mostly on my own. I’d ended a six year relationship with someone I cared deeply about and wanted to preserve a friendship with. I’d moved twice. Gotten rid of my cat. Had two failed relationships. And found someone really wonderful who lived about 3000 miles away.

Oh yes, my father got very sick, I finally told my mother to take a flying leap, and my vicious skeletons were all being aired.

Okay… Pennsic was cool. Getting a worshipful look from some 19 year old male at a bardic while I’m being back-rubbed and pawed by three women (who’d been escorting me) was pleasant. Multi-person foot soaking in the bin (myself and 2 of my escorts…)…well, if you know me…you know I was happy. Yes, Pennsic XXX was the Year of Andrei’s Harem. And since I left war with 5 out of 6 very happy female friends…I think my vacation went well. Walking with 4 women at once, all on your arms…Mainly because they like being with you….it’s a really great feeling!

But then … WAR Ended. 🙁

I was beginning to find my way with the new job. 3000 miles turned into many a phone call. Sadly at this time, I was trying to iron out my budget and finances. Phone went away due to old bills. Then the ability to drive went away. A silly mistake that hurt no one which led to suspension because they mailed my court date to my old address on the first day of Pennsic.

By October I’d finally managed to do something that made me very happy. I went more than 3 paychecks without hitting a feeling of utterly broke 2 days before the next check.

More skeletons. Did an equinox ritual through the ‘church’
Also! Finally got on a stage again!!!!!

The local SCA theatre guild did the “Goldwyn plays” “Mistress Laurel Seamchecker Explains it all to you” Another gentleman and I played Hanz and Franz. Okay…that in itself wasn’t acting. Well, it was fun; because I know how to play an audience.

For intermission, I organized some improv games. (If you’ve seen Whose line….you know)
The improv games were received VERY well. And now I have an application in to be the Guild’s Artisitc Director. (But that is a 2002 issue

The highlight of 2001 was the karmic exploration of the mathematical theory of the conservation of egoa. I can explain that another time. Let’s just say, thanks to LJ I’m talking to someone that I never thought I’d have the privilege to talk to again. Thanks to L for dancing. (Another explanation to come)

So okay.. Maybe 2002 is my year…?