Category: WordPress Admin

ftp-big-iconI’ve been updating my web hosting customers WordPress this weekend. Partly to move them onto new servers with new updates. In doing so I got to learn about ftp configuration on unix. It’s a bit more involved that I was expecting. Quite the endeavor.

Just a short update. Tomorrow we hopefully wrap up the overhauled APIs on the project and move back up the stack.

Two little tasks ahead for me in the next day or so.

First: I am trying to implement a smarter formmail in php so that my multiple domains can handle it without it becoming a security whole.

Second: I am looking to write a worm for my SQL database to fix the Categories on roughly 250 posts that are labelled as “Uncategorised” even though they have the correct category. I suppose this would make a good WP-Tool.

I think I have mostly fixed the issue with the LiveJournal importer, so I’ll be working with my one customer on that this week.

Nothing really pithy today as the weekend has been consumed by toddler and clock changes. So overall, I just want to fall over.