Category: Twitter

I tawt I taw a Twitter

  • 14:47 It’s fairly thin. But I am once again goatee’d #
  • 22:49 Amazingly, “Space:1999” stand up to the test of time. Sure some is dated, but it was YEARS ahead of its time. #
  • 23:08 RT @livingartist: I’ve figured out why Green Eggs and Ham squicks me. Sam-I-Am has real issues with consent and personal boundaries. #
  • 23:10 Can someone explain to me why @livingartist is now sobbing and tearing up pictures of our bed? #

Andrei’s daily twitter log is brought to you via LoudTwitter

I tawt I taw a Twitter

  • 10:00 First level phone screen monday with a company in (ZOMG) Pittsburgh. I wonder if I know anyone there. #
  • 14:50 I got my first pair of bifocals today. Whee.
    The world is spaced differently. #
  • 23:54 New post on my blog: How can one spend a week working intensely on a blog and have nothing obvious to show for it? #

Andrei’s daily twitter log is brought to you via LoudTwitter

I Tawt I Taw a Twitter

  • 09:10 So with the current craze… would the “Flintstones” actually be defined as Cavepunk? #
  • 14:51 While I can write @clairecmc about issues. My Congressional Rep is a Far right Republican. I doubt I would be heard on ANY topic. #akin #
  • 16:05 Most of you will feel for the woman. Jade will feel for her pet: #
  • 21:32 Just let me bask in this moment before both of them pulverise my score. #
  • 22:23 @tweetie Will we ever see a Mac client update? #
  • 02:04 Have tried to go to sleep 3 times tonight. Keep staring at ceiling. Out of Sominex. Trying again :-/ #

Andrei’s daily twitter log is brought to you via LoudTwitter

I tawt I taw a Twitter

Twitter Log Beyond the cut…

I tawt I taw a Twitter

  • 08:34 RT @simianlovedoc: New Tron trailer. I am soooooo psyched: #
  • 10:23 VPN over GSM 3G from a basement medical centre. Ahh, I love the smell of 300 baud in the morning. #
  • 10:24 @macosken I live by #GoDaddy. I hate their commercials, but their Domain management has been stellar. I used NetSol years ago, Horrid Sup. #
  • 10:27 COVET! RT @gwenix: – This is what I did while laid up — lots of iPhone cozies! #
  • 10:45 RT @whitehouse_rss: (blog) Health Reform by the £s: $1,115: – the average premium for employer-sponsored family c… #
  • 14:21 Made my first attempt to learn why cinemas don’t caption the major films. First cinema manager I talked to left a bad impression. Post soon. #
  • 16:11 Do you have a degree? No. Why? The university I was studying at hired me in that field before I finished it. So you don’t have a degree? DOH #
  • 17:36 @bignoon I would love to follow up with the experience, but being directed to a web form really doesn’t allow communication of the issue. #
  • 18:12 @bignoon I’ll type a short summary this evening #
  • 18:13 Trying to read Senate legislation is impressive. It references sections of law that don’t exist online or have the section references. #
  • 22:09 Nifty link: Little Red Riding Hood as told in infographics. #
  • 22:54 @royalbananafish No one gets it when I tell them that Shimmer is a Floor Wax and a Desert Topping. Same problem. Add 10 yrs. #
  • 23:12 Tech hell and Teen Titan. Interesting combo, eh? #

Andrei’s daily twitter log is brought to you via LoudTwitter