Archive for March, 2004

Math is fun?

Cross posted in macosxdev and my home journal

Warning, this is all math and geometry… turn around and back away slowly if you value your life 🙂

I am posting this mainly for external validation. I think I have the concept right but my geometry is just a little rusty.

CUT: Read on if you want to check my work and see some real live code.

I would of said something, but of course I was repressed to all hell.

Yeah, but have you ever seen chihuahuas in the wild.

(No, I’m not kidding that chihuahua one came up in conversation and I know there are people who read this journal who can check me on it.)

Upping the ante

Firstoff, I’m not dead. The code I’ve been working on has kept me very busy. Only two people outside my company even know what I’m working on. Though I am getting the legal documentation from the office to take on beta testers. Cap that off with a hearty schedule in the order and still keeping time for Heather and LJ takes a back seat… sort of 😉

Well, our poker interest got checked, raised, and even check-raised 😉

Warning: much lingo to follow:
After playing each other in our two person tournament with rising blinds Tuesday for about 3 hours I went to bed and had dreams about sorting chips. Last night I asked that we take the night off from our 9 card cavalcade. (2 each and 5 for 2-player hold ’em).

On the way home H asked if I was still “burnt out” from our Tuesday tourney. I thought, “hmmmn.” When I got home I suggested we go down to the city of Commerce. The Commerce Casino is one of the largest card room casinos in the L.A. area. I figured we could head down, look at how it actually works and at least get dinner (probably a buffet).

We left at about 6:30… Now the casino is about 10 miles down the highway at our back door. Granted, the highway out our backdoor is Interstate (the) 5. Which meant the 10 mile trip took about 50 minutes.

CUT: A night at the casino

A wise man one said, “All roads lead from LiveJournal”

No wait, that one wasn’t from a wise man; that one was from me.

Anyway, my cell phone has been a little over-active the past 24 hours. I got a random call last night from somewhere near Long Beach. This was odd. Then this morning I received an SMS phone message.

It turns out that I’ve been tracked down (not that I’m very hard to find online) by recently new member to LiveJournal nightskye12. Who for the sake of short hand we will call IV. (I try not to out names until people have done so themselves)

For those of you who know that I sometimes rant on people who haven’t known me for more than say 4-5 years… A little history.

I met IV my 2nd year of college. And this was the first time I went to college, so let’s say… 1987. (Yes kids that is 17 years ago, well 17 as of late August) He pretty much became my best male friend at College. I’d say best overall, but he’s probably tied with “C” which was probably the only issue I ever got annoyed at him about 😉 (And if you can’t map out this one in your head you’ve never been in a friend triad.

IV was (hell, probably still is) a killer actor from Long Island. The stories that I could go on about are about 4 years of fun. From Daniel to Roni Rolls Runs to Little Shop to Betsy (rolls eyes), there was AEIRAC (or however he eventually decided to spell his name) there was Gengo and Haiton (I’m covering my eyes just thinking about this “Gengo, Gengo, he’s staring at your sword!”) Thumbs up in the wading pool and the mistake of repeating it on a TV show without remembering the wading pool. The list goes on.

Now, I haven’t heard from IV in probably 7-8 years. He’s now married. I’m going to be married as well soon. I figure we have a load and a half of catch up to do.

For those keeping track: (Myself included) The people I am still in contact regularly (or recently) in order of having met them:
echomoontide 1984 (20 yrs)
nightskye12 1987 (17 yrs)
fiannaharpar 1988 (16 yrs)
schnookiemuffin 1994 (10 yrs)

Now if I could only locate Patrick, Kristie, Ken, Marie or Martin. That’d be awesome.

I watched the 2004 TVLand Awards.

Perhaps it’s cynicism… perhaps it’s he abject reality of the show… But I honestly felt like I just sat thru a 3 hour commercial. Now, to be honest, I was watching an award show sponsored by a company, for a company, on a company’s channel.

It’s like watching the Microsoft Software Awards on MSNBC. And the winner for best Word Processing program is…. Oh my! Microsoft Word.

The things that caught my eye and made me want to write about this were things like:
Superest Superhero: The nominees were: The Incredible Hulk (circa Bixby), Wonder Woman, and Elecrawoman and DynaGirl

Call me crazy. But does anyone notice anything wrong with this list of candidates?
I admit being a fan of classic T. But I count myself among a very small number of people who at one time liked EW&DG let alone admit to even having heard of it. If I were to list the top ‘super hero’ shows from classic TV. I can come up with a whole lot that don’t ever look at EW&DG and probably might not even consider the Hulk.

I mean let’s face it… How would people vote given the choice between The Hulk (that’s so last year), Wonder Woman (Boy we hope you go for this movie in pre production) and ElectraWoman and DynaGirl (Yeah, how many of my readers have heard of them, without my introduction for them 😉

Please note: the original voting was two topics:
Superest Super Heroine: Wonder Woman, Bionic Woman, EW&DG, Isis, Batgirl
Superest Super Hero: Superman, Hulk, Greatest American Hero, Green Hornet, Shazam

Again, this sounds like abject silliness to talk about this. But the problem I had was that I knew who the winners would be from the nominees alone.

Yes, seeing Lee Meriwether, Julie Newmar, and Eartha Kitt all on stage together seeing who could make the best meow was cool. (Julie Newmar for looks, Eartha for purrs and meows any day) There was a nice tribute to Freddie Prinze (the first Latino on TV…. er.. if you don’t count Dezi Arnez) and a touching tribute to John Ritter.

The award for Future Classic however really rubbed me raw. The Future Classic was an award for a new show that is “innovative and ” blah blah. This show was Fox’s new, “Arrested Development.” The show looked good… but really felt like someone in one office bargained, wheeled, and dealed(sic) to get their show a little air time.

The awards were a mixed bag of some award recipients feigning surprise (oddly only the winners were present) and some other good tributes (Andy Griffith cast (no really, all of them that were alive save Ron Howard)

I guess, I’ve just gotten disenchanted with award shows and top 100 lists, and all this other stuff that eventually comes down to either a popularity contest based on no standard of evaluation or worse, something commercial to manipulate the fans to a chosen result.

But then again… we have Marriage Crises, Oil Crises, Corporate Fraud, Election Politicking… and every other thing to worry about. Is any of this really any more important ;?)

Short form: Shrug