Archive for December, 2004

Last week I placed a call out for people’s Amazon Wishlists.

Today and tomorrow I will be taking care of some… festive inclinations.

That is all.

ho ho f*#&in ho 😉

So… this was a curious one I stumbled on by accident. And it set my mind reeling…

Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence

You shine in your ability to realate to and understand others.
Good at seeing others’ points of view, you get how people think and feel.
You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations.
A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict.

You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person.

This really got me thinking. And as it seems to be this way this week, I felt the need to ramble on a bit about this..

Only about 1500 words this time (give or take)

Every now and then I find myself having an expansive-brain day. Typically this is caused by either a lack of sleep or a great deal of symbolic input all at once. Or worse, a conjunction of the lot. The result of these days is that I often find my self poised at a LiveJournal entry that wants to be all things and nothing at the same time. I find myself grousing at the need of a better interface from my brain to the written word than the woefully slow digits extending from my hands.

To give insight into these influences I will try to give an overview of the past 4-5 days. This should be interesting as due to the nature of some of them, I really can’t give a great deal of elaboration. This will lead to an attempt to outline where my mind currently is and what is currently running around in that space. The learned Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford supplies the quotation that most often comes to mind, “It’s all in your head. You just have no idea how big a place that is.”

The rest is cut. Primarily because it’s close to 2500 words. Secondarily, because it gives people an out for not bothering. My words, my thoughts. Debate if you will. I always need more to chew on.

It’s only about 2500 words this time…

Really Farking cool

shimmeringjemmy tends to show me nifty links from Fark

This one caught my “ear” and then absolutely drew me in. This is a very interesting Time-shifted transmission

Are you ready for Epic?

I’m really not sure I get this yet…

What kind of pirate am I? You decide!
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