Archive for January, 2005

As if I don’t have enough open ended meme’s that I need to catch up on (which I am currently reseaching)

From the home office in lunaetstellae comes this mini participatory meme:

Scan my interest list and pick out the one that seems the most odd to you.

I’ll explain it.

Then you post this in your journal so other people can ask you about your interests.

Edit: Already answered…
unicursal hexagram
cross stitch
ethical hedonism
Star Ruby

What is evil

What is evil?

Evil is that which effects changes. It does so using methods that we can not understand or rationalize; or worse does so by a manners that we simply can not accept as the correct path by our own definition. Evil is the force that does things that we wish never happened in the first place.

Granted this definition almost suggests that evil is powered and fueled by our own limited understanding and comprehension.

I remember reading somewhere once that the Gods got their powers from the belief and acceptance of their worshippers. Thus the old Gods of Greece exist but are weakened by the fact that most people in Greek are now Greek Orthodox and follow the Christian deities.

It amuses me, that we could power evil just as much as any other personification of a concept with a combination of belief and naivety.

What is evil to you?

Edit: I always get affect/effect backwards. This has been fixed. Thank you to tiggr93 and shimmeringjemmy

So, I guess work is a good thing 🙂

I have been tapped to take a software presentation to each of our locations. I am ELNK’s RSS guru… sorta.

So, I will be back in Atlanta in mid February. If you are in the area… tell me 🙂

Mind you. I already have a good chunk of my free-time happily scheduled. *poing* 🙂

…was I more a movie person or a music person.

I am a theatre person. 🙂

But this meme. One of the better ones I’ve seen. Thanks to a meme-ing by brendan93

What kind of movies do it for me?

Protected: Concerning my “friends only” posts of late.

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