Archive for August, 2005

CNN has been running non-stop coverage on Katrina’s rampage through the gulf region.

Several satellite uplinks had to be pulled down because the satellite dishes on vans act like giant sails on sea going vessels. As a result the van runs the risk of being physically picked up by the winds and flying into the air.

CNN is proud that they’ve been able to pull down nearly live footage without the use of Satellite. Repeatedly they have said the following:

And we’ve been able to deliver this footage here at CNN with an entirely new technology known as FTP

Okay, all together now…


Such mighty technology. Next CNN will offer multiple graphics during the coverage with their secret weapon: Gopher.

Edit: And a live report from Mobile, AL just included the line: “And as you can see, Water street is under Water.”
The footage kept being interrupted with an emergency tone. The national CNN commentator said, “Well, it’s a good thing that we had that tone to cover all the explitives.” No really, she was serious and actually thought the emergency 1K tones were obscenity bleeps.

Either the director or this national commentator is not going to last at CNN very long.

This may be my first gloomy post. I should have gone to bed about an hour ago, but I’ve been working on this project for about 5 days.

As warned and warned and warned… I’m about to commit my first purge.

Currently I have 501 subscriptions on LJ (which LJ refers to as friends).
Of that number 341 are individual journals, (or at least not officially communities or feeds)
So far I have scheduled for purge around 30% of these. (just over 100).

This process is never easy. The journals I’ve picked include, people who don’t subscribe to me, people who haven’t posted in years, people that I’ve fallen out of contact with, people I just don’t know that well or read very much.

None of these unsubscriptions should be considered as personal, as I bear no ill will to any journal owner that I’m dropping.

I will leave comments open (but screened to all). If you think you may be among the dropped and wish not to be in that group (especially in the event that you want to read my increasingly rarely made filtered posts) leave a comment. Please this is not an open season to beg. Just tell me that you really do read and I’ll pull you off the list if you’re on it.

To be honest, I really don’t expect anyone I’m dropping to be among the people who comment.

Also, if you discover you were dropped, (because you didn’t think you’d be on the drop list), first… again, don’t take it personally. Second, if you’d like me to keep your journal in subscriptions (maybe for filters, but for any reason) again… Comment.

My first purge will occur at about 3pm tomorrow.

This will allow me to follow LJ more actively again 🙂

I have SEEN Q

Yes, it is true. I have seen puppets POLE dance.

Sadly, the opening preview show featured mostly the secondaries. I did not see Lyon or Tartaglia. But to be honest, the show ROCKS!

If you haven’t heard the soundtrack to Avenue Q, go rent, borrow, buy, steal it.

I have purchased muchly schwag, including gifts for twoooo special friends who I think will be very happy. Well, except for the jealousy of not having seen it yet.

For those who’ve listened to the soundtrack, the show has a bit more to it that the soundtrack hides. I firmly recommend this show!

Soundtrack spoiler alert

A while ago, I attended a taping of “That 70’s show” – For those who care it was episode – 49, “Red Fired Up”

When you see a show taping, first-off you need to remember that you will be there approximately 6 minutes for every minute of air time (including commercials). Thus a 30 minute program will probably take up 180 minutes, or 3 hours of time.

Further you will see lines that the writers are testing in the script and may change or lose entirely. One such line was the final credit-crawl joke.

The foreign character of Fez has been watching “Hollywood Squares” through the entire episode. At the very end of the episode while the credits are rolling we hear him make a comment aloud to himself. “You know… I think this Paul Lynde may be Gay.”

It was completely out of the blue, and I must admit that the audience and myself nearly wet ourselves with hysteria. The line was delivered with such a level of 70’s innocence to something that we now reflect upon as obvious beyond measure.

Paul Lynde, the poster child for what we often view as a male homosexual stereotype. Well, we can do that now; but in 1971 at the height of Bewitched, most had no idea.

Thanks to one of today’s posts by theferrett. I am looking forward to reading a new biography on America’s ‘Center Square

There is a wonderful interview with the author at

Sadly, the producers of “That 70’s Show” never let this pearl of humour out in the airing of the episode. But at least a man who’s comic delivery was a highlight of the 70’s as finally been given some proper honour.

Jewelry query

So, I’ve seen “Babalon Stars”, “Trees of Life”, and all manner of Thelemic jewelry.

What would an Ain, Ain Sof, or an Ain Sof Aur necklace look like?

Would I need to make a saving throw against madness/divinity?

Just curious. Thank you.

Go about your business, nothing to see.

Nothing, No Limit, No Limit to the Light…