Tag Archive: lj

Though mind you.. the pop up ‘toast’ dialog in the posting window…

A bit disturbing.

It looks like the November News is in:

Comment editing now works
Facebook connection.

See the link for more.

i won’t make this one of the official Blogathon posts because it’d be cheating in my opinion. Especially since this way leads to filtered posts that are not world viewable and thus not really blogathon valid.

But.. I have added a whole slew of new journals… So before I make ‘other’ posts… I wanted to add this note again…

Usually, when I make this post, it means I’m intending to (though as is my nature, likely not to follow up with a) post to one of these filtered groups I have.

Unfortunately if you want to be on these filters you have to do 5 things.

1) Have a livejournal account.

2) Go to my Administrivia posting which describes my filters (at least the ones I want people to know about)

3) Check off the ones you would like to be on. (Or off if you’re a bored old timer.)

4) Make a comment to that post that you’ve made selections. (You don’t need to say in the comments which ones you’ve chosen. Actually for privacy, you probably shouldn’t. I can read it in the poll) But commenting tells me to look at the poll for your current list.

5) Important: Don’t be disappointed if you don’t see anything. Some of the filters are used rarely. Some you won’t be put on despite asking. (OTO for example requires me to know that you’re an initiate.)

Sounds like a lot.. But it keeps me just that inch further away from insanity.

Thanks! **Waves**

So every 4-8 months I try to post this.

Usually, when I make this post, it means I’m intending to (though as is my nature, likely not to follow up with a) post to one of these filtered groups I have.

Unfortunately if you want to be on these filters you have to do 5 things.

1) Have a livejournal account.

2) Go to my Administrivia posting which describes my filters (at least the ones I want people to know about)

3) Check off the ones you would like to be on. (Or off if you’re a bored old timer.)

4) Make a comment to that post that you’ve made selections. (You don’t need to say in the comments which ones you’ve chosen. Actually for privacy, you probably shouldn’t. I can read it in the poll) But commenting tells me to look at the poll for your current list.

5) Important: Don’t be disappointed if you don’t see anything. Some of the filters are used rarely. Some you won’t be put on just for asking. (OTO for example requires me to know that you’re an initiate.)

Sounds like a lot.. But it keeps me just that inch further away from insanity.

Thanks! **Waves**

So, if it’s not obvious… my relationship with LJ has been (in a word) neglectful.

This isn’t really anything new… it’s been at least 4 years in the making. No really, I did the research. (Cool link)

Which is strange. I like having and giving an opinion. I just haven’t.

Posting has become difficult. Work keeps me very busy. So reading and posting at work is unlikely. This of course is coupled with the fact that there isn’t a whole lot I’m doing right now at work that I can really give details about. The major facts are out there (yes, Microsoft is shipping an all new version of Microsoft Office for Mac in the second half of 2007)

The smaller details? That’s either NDA intellectual property or sufficiently geekish-mac-msft-tech than no one would really appreciate it.

Geeky on the side, I’m playing with Wikis and I really love it.

So.. what about non-work life?

Well, as everyone warned me… I don’t have much of a non-work life.

I have life with a nigh-toddler.

Don’t get me wrong. Boy fills me with love, happiness, yadda*3.

But he does so at what often-times feels like a cost of everything else.

So… why aren’t I Posting more?

Well, the Happy takes up a lot of time and I really don’t want to cut into the Happy to post about it. I don’t even get to post about the Happy when relaxing over Chai. (Yes, that was an inside joke. You can ask me al about it some other time)

And then there’s the non-happy. I don’t post about that either. LJ is a wonderful tool. I still to this day adore it, but it’s gained such a horrible reputation for being the dumping ground of teen-young adult angst and drama.

So, posting only the annoyances doesn’t seem right either.

Side note: I often consider how individual people interact with me. I basically contemplate what I say to specific people to make sure, I’m not always behaving one specific way for one person.

So, yes… There’s been happy. There’s been not-so-happy. There’s been life as a new parent. There’s been the pursuit of feeling like me and feeling that me is supposed to be around. There’s been feelings of complete disconnect.

There’s been me.

I keep IM open as much as I can. It’s pretty much my cell phone. (The latter of which I can now report is once again working) But I don’t have time to engage people socially. I can interact… but I just don’t have the time (and on some level the motivation) to try to create a conversation online. I’m more than willing to participate in them… but sadly, I am primarily messaged by spammers.

Happily, the people close to me in my life have kept me far saner over the last few weeks than they know. And I am thrilled for each of them. I am pretty sure they each know who they are. They have also IM’ed me from time to time.

I’d like to post more. I’d like to make some grand statement that I’m going to start posting more. But this is also part of what is in my life at the moment. Great intention and absolutely horrific follow-thru. Right now, don’t let Andrei agree to anything. I suppose it’s just safer that way.

Here’s hoping July improves a notch.

Written last evening about 4:30 pm.