Tag Archive: writing


When I was a kid (and I mean ‘kid’) I was writing a story called “The Bridge” At the time it was (to me) a neat concept. While the media hadn’t been created yet, it was one part “Tomorrow People” one part “Doctor Who” one part “Quantum Leap”. Interestingly at the time I’d written it only Doctor Who existed.

As shimmeringjemmy can tell you; I’ve never considered writing my forte. Most of my posts over 1000 words often have to go through her to be converted from Andrei into English.

In college, I went into Directing because.
-I didn’t have the talent to do sets, costumes, or makeup beyond a passable level.
-I didn’t have the looks or business-machine callous destructiveness to be an actor.

But most assuredly… I never really thought I had it in me to really be a writer.
Why, wherefore, and where it’s leading

Just a line I like

…”thier neo-classist allure of the obliquely undecided.”

Analysis of this over-worded phrase is probably not really warranted. But ooh it sounds like someone really tried hard.