Note, the song going thru my head is entirely the fault of someone who posted to one of my communities and hir icon looks like this.

Seattle day 2 was a blast. New people and old people. Here is the quick shout out list of the people I met (perhaps, even in order): stillraven, sea_gaagii and joystormer

Then shimmeringjemmy dragged me (oh, yeah… real kicking and screaming) over to a game-party at alegria_a & ezzie00‘s. This alone was cool because I hadn’t seen them since I moved far from the Burgh o’ Pitts.

Other familiar faces at the shindig were: dr4b and meerkat299 add to that some cool games played with new people: rev_blacky, lurker, and eub.

Actually, I wish I could remember the name of the gaming-game we played because I really wanna pick up a copy.

A pleasant evening with shimmeringjemmy and a not so pleasant trip back to the airport. Not that the trip to the airport was bad, but it meant saying good-bye to her again. That part is becoming less fun each visit. I may have to do what is necessary to remove the annoyance of having to say good-bye to her for extended periods of time.

I’ve added a bunch of these people to my list now for occasional perusal. If you’re a regular reader here, feel free to tell the new people to check out this post so they can get their warm fuzzies from the LJ-Shout-out thingee.

Thanks all for making my visit to Seattle a complete blast!

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