Archive for April 27th, 2003

My Saturday

Yesterday was a mostly constructive day.

I watched a few cartoons in the morning. (Rather than getting glued to the Tele for the entire day) I went to a hardware store where I picked up a few tools for the house. (replaced the cheap plastic level that was lost). I also dropped off some equipment for repair and went food shopping.

While I was food shopping I decided I wanted some flowers for the growing number of vases I have. I often get flowers after mass. But they don’t survive very well. So, I bought a pair of cheap sets over at the grocery and some baby’s breath and some other garnish and mixed and matched to make my own arrangement.

Here are pictures of the flowers

I find myself many times during the day wanting to make a relatively deep journal entry. Comment about things that confuse me, annoy me, or otherwise I feel should be kept for posterity.

Then I find myself in front of the computer thinking, I want to make a LiveJournal post. And at these times I am not sure what I have that’s worth typing and putting out there.

Maybe these two things will eventually fall into sync. *shrugs to self* Maybe not.

Time to continue cleaning house.