Archive for April 27th, 2004

Edit: Corrections and clarifications thanks to (H)

Please Note: This is the last public poker post I’ll be making. I’m going to be making a poker filter so that I don’t bore anyone with these ramblings. If you want to be on the filter, please comment. (Comment in general on the post if it’s your will to do so) There are a few people I will probably auto add just because I’ve played them at poker or know they may be interested. Please comment regardless, so I know you want to be on it… Just in case I don’t auto add you.

Well, about 3 weeks ago shimmeringjemmy and I went to the local casino to play poker and got mightily spanked. And it was the really nasty kind.

Details of the spanking (for poker nuts)

I was inspired to write a filk on Thursday. The topic of the filk is torturing someone who needs the restroom. Sadly, my knowledge of the original song is lacking sufficiently to have this one come out quickly.

It’s a busy week both at the office and in the order so… it may be delayed a few more days or pop out soon.