That one of the biggest turn-offs on LiveJournal are people who don’t use proper English. I can understand that. But, I admit… I also fall prey to it.

I have my English foibles or more properly my one English f&$k ups.

So, here is today’s quote and the conversation that caused it.

After discussing with shimmeringjemmy the complexity of the forms of affect and effect.

shimmeringjemmy: gotta love english
lordandrei: No, I’d say it’s more of a contemptuous understanding and forced appreciation. I love Japanese. It follows rules. I respect French. It has anal defenders of it’s chaste purity. English?… It’s those ruffians playing Chess in the park.
shimmeringjemmy: yep
lordandrei: And that’s your quote for the day
shimmeringjemmy: just fix the typos before posting it
lordandrei: Typos there, too?
shimmeringjemmy: an its/it’s; and chess should be decapitalized
lordandrei: Ah, misused the first one.
lordandrei: As for Chess. I could mean they are playing soundracks… yeah.. that was it
shimmeringjemmy: heh

Do I love English? No, I’d say it’s more of a contemptuous understanding and forced appreciation. I love Japanese. It follows rules. I respect French. It has anal defenders of its chaste purity. English?… It’s those ruffians playing chess in the park.

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