Archive for February 10th, 2005

I know I’ve seen this one before. For some reason the random song application and number placement… just spooky.

For a certain amount of privacy some names have been removed or replaced with LJ IDs

LJ Friends Meme by coolerq

• You must tell 93 people about this game.
shimmeringjemmy is the one that you love.
hidden person 1 is one you like but can’t work out.
• You care most about hidden person 2.
fiannaharpar is the one who knows you very well.
schnookiemuffin is your lucky star.
Love will Save the World is the song that matches with Heather.
Almost Paradise is the song for hidden person 1.
We Built This City is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind.
• and Theme from New Zoo Review is the song telling you how you feel about life
Take this quiz

That’s really quite spooky

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Taking a meme I was asked to write down the names of the first four songs that came to mind.

This was weird it was like a voice almost called them off 1,2,3,4 or they started playing in my head.

Now, I was a professional DJ and this shouldn’t bother me but this is what popped into my head over a period of about 8 seconds.
Love Will Save the World
Almost Paradise
We Built this City
Theme from New Zoo Review

The first song, I am not sure I even know. The second… really not one of my favourites. Third, sure…despite the ranking as the all time worst song… okay guilty.. I actually like it. But that 4th one?!?!? As much as a 70s tv fan that I am… I don’t think the words “New Zoo Review” have even cycled across a synapse in about 8-10 years.

Sometimes I really don’t get my own brain.