Congestion at about 30%.. My nose is doing that stunning ballet where one nostril is absolutely clear and the other is hermetically sealed. It’s a ballet because at a moment’s notice, the one nostril will pick the other up for a lovely grande jete and then they will switch roles.

The body aches are also down to about 10 %. It could just be a good moment in my back cycle.

The downside is that despite NyQuil I am wide awake. Ahh, yes. The Nighttime sniffling, sneezing, why the f*$& am I staring at the bedroom ceiling medicine.

In other news, yes, LJ has gotten all tagified. Yay. I can post things now and label them in advance. Eventually, these tags will probably form a system of filtering for the reader. For now…. just more meta data.

Granted, I know this change has sent fraserspeirs off to see what hackery he can do to XJournal.

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