After working in the corporate, startup, and educational enterprise space for about 15 years with about 10 years of freelance added in there, I’ve added up about 20 years of computer experience.

This experience includes, but isn’t limited to: Software Engineering, Project Design, Project Architecture, Team Management, Budgeting, Forecasting, Trends Analysis, and most importantly, Schmoozing. (The latter of which many of you were probably wondering how to spell)

Well, I’m finally going to come public. At least about why I’ve not been posting a lot and what I am up to. As a few friends are aware, I’ve embarked on a new project. At this time, I’m not going to make the details of this project public. Those friends I’ve given any details to directly about it, have actually been asked to sign an NDA.

Basically, I am coding again. And if you thought NewsAccess was a labour of love, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

So what does this mean? Well, right now, I’m looking for odd contract work to continue to pay the bills, but the rest of my time is full with new coding. Lots of experiements all directed to the current goal. A “proof of concept.” This is where I try to convey the killer ideas I have that no one else has ever come up with in a manner that shows, that as a whole it can be done.

Kinda jargony and complicated.

Short form, I come up with an idea that no one has ever done. (And that’s the hard part), then I try to spackle enough examples together to show what can be done to fulfill this dream. Faking it in places as necessary to convey the ideas.

Once I have a basic proof of concept, then comes the part that makes it much more real. I start to beg, borrow, and (preferably not) steal financing. People willing to back me enough in the project to get a lawyer on board to start developing the medium range business plan and the long range business plan. Then we go for the real financing. Then we hire people on. First the volunteers who are already helping, then the additional engineers.

So, in the meantime, I’ve been coding. I’ve already picked up two new software languages (per se) to make new advances. The reason I’m up now is that at 2am I hit my first Proof of Concept milestone. I have many more to go before we start showing it to the first full line of people to beg money from. But it’s very satisfying to see the earliest rays of the sun come to life in code.

I’m very excited, very wired, and very much in need of a cup of sedating tea so that I don’t work another 6 hours now.

Short, short form translation: I’m reading LJs, but very haphazardly. Maybe once every 2-3 days. I’m not posting as much as usual, but I will make the occasional post. And if you’re really curious as to what I have under the blanket, you’ll have to email me directly (do not ask me in the comment fields) and we can discuss it further via email or IM.

Happy bounce 🙂

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