Archive for June, 2008

April 3rd is the 93rd day of the year.


Usual drill:

Aiden maaaaayyy go down from 7-8ish… So we have to be wary of that.

Friday’s Agenda

Doctor Who (Series 4) “The Unicorn and the Wasp” (Last week’s; for the most part local fans were at Ave Q or in Greece)
Doctor Who (Season 26) “Survival” Part 2 (postponed from last week)
Doctor Who (Season 15) “Invasion of Time” Parts 5 & 6 (Probably while Aiden is being put to bed)
Doctor Who (Season 4) “Silence in the Library” (We may not get to this one as it’s 1 of 2)

We’ll probably be doing this more regularly.

Consider getting into fan mode for these things 😉 (Dress up, wear buttons…SCARF!)

If you’re not one of our regulars (and I know who that is) drop me a comment so I know who to expect.

Potluck food, snacks, drinks appreciated.

Crash space as avail by request

“No, when you meet someone coming in from overseas you can’t greet them calmly. You have to p in your pants in front of them.”

I’m not even going to comment. I’m just going to post it.

If I had a dollar…


Well, so.. I’m on speed. Unintentionally. The good side effect is that I’m coding the hell out of my project.

The bad news… I’m being sloppy. My complex algorithm that I spent weeks on was crashing. Really badly.

So after about 45 minutes of debugging I found the little bastard. I’m going to post it here. If people want an explanation… I can give it. Those of you who actually know code… see if you can see the stupidity I did.

if (currDepth != newDepth) {
NSUInteger popCount = currDepth - newDepth;
NSUInteger popCounter;
for (popCounter = 1; popCounter < = popCount; popCount++) {
[[self parserStack] pop];

Oh, I feel like such a moron.

We now return you to your previously scheduled morning.

Still shaking the last vestiges of June-Goo ’08.

Tues/Thurs was the worst of this infestation. Which was really weird because I was utterly down for the count both days yet was functional in the office on Wednesday. Very weird.

Despite my hatred of the growing police state we live in, I signed away my life for some Pseudophedrine. The only think that kicks the crap out of severe congestion and flu for me.

The reason you have to sign for it now, is because some morons decided it was a great substance with which to make methamphetimines. And since the current US government treats its people as more likely to commit a crime than be honest, the drugs are no longer over the counter.

Amphetamines were known by another term in the 70s. Speed. Pseudophedrine is in fact related to amphetamines.

Which leads me back to this post.

We got in from Avenue Q last night around 11:30. I pretty much fell over in exhaustion congested to the back of my head at midnight. But not before taking to Pseudophedrine. At about 2:45 I woke up. Jittery and WIDE AWAKE.

This is not going to be very conducive for the rest of my day or weekend. I’m solo parenting “a” this afternoon and evening while “H” does mass. I obviously must be awake and focussed. This is humous while I sit here on a Saturday before 6am scratching at the feeling of the hair on my arms because I feel slightly like a strung out junky.

I suppose the good side of this is that I only get this wired on the stuff when it’s reaching the end of its usefulness. Translation: If I take it easy today (and its a non-work day) I should be healthy by the time I go to sleep.

This would be exceedingly good because the mantra I have this weekend is, “When I awake tomorrow, Grecian travelers will be en route home.”