Archive for May, 2008

It’s really not my place to post this.. But it seemed appropriate for a few.

I have a really good friend who’s been a little stressed and nervous About a major 2 week project she was due to start on Friday.

I told her to relax by using a mantra. A personal favourite goes ‘along the lines’ of:

“Pretend your next pint is in London”

I can say with all positive assurances that this style of mantra met with complete success this morning.

At about 8:45 I received a G-Note that said her visualization had achieved a depth that compared strikingly to reality.

Freeple will be doing another Who night tomorrow.

It’s part 2 of the Sontaran Stategem. And we’ll even watch a little Sarah Jane and maybe throw in a Torchwood or Two.

Please RSVP here. Seating may be limited.


dooo weee ooooo, woop wah dooo

doo doo doo, whaaeee whaooo


And for Lauren:

Go get drunk and party, my dear.

Happiest of lesser feasts to tzaddi_93

Your friendship, council, and participation in my life has become a bright star. My happiness for your time on this Earth coinciding with mine.

Warning: You are so close to getting yourself J’ed. 😉

Protected: Filter 25: I feel so shallow

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I have a lot of things going on in my life at the moment.

I don’t post about them.

Unfortunately, due to a couple of issues my posting may seem… less frequent for a while.

I feel the need to Re-enable Filter25 for a while. If you discover you’re not seeing posts for a while, you may not be on Filter25 and I apologize. This too will pass.

It’s basically my way of dealing with issues for a few.

Hopefully, people can respect my need to do this for some personal healing and growth.

Thank you.

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