• 11:34 I am truly sad: I am overjoyed to find Robin Sparkles on iTunes: tinyurl.com/99cwfj #
  • 12:32 Just managed to twist my ankle doing a box step. 40 and out of shape is not fun. #
  • 12:35 @greggrunberg just listened to your I’view on macosken. Most amazingly, down to earth thing I’ve heard in a long time. It was great! #
  • 12:36 Must rememer to stop twit replying immediately after a personal twitter. #
  • 21:08 Evening always means playing with the iPhone waiting for the boy to fall asleep. #
  • 00:52 New post at tosocnet.com I suppose you’re wondering why I’ve called you all here. shortna.me/d4ff3 #
  • 00:54 @fraserspeirs I’d love to mention you in an upcoming post on my new tosocnet.com blog. If you have the time, drop me a line. #
  • 00:55 Really need to find a better time to post to the blog than 12:30 in the morning. #

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