- 06:48 Blearily awake #
- 06:50 @worldmegan How can a Mac engineer resist an offer of pay like that. Email me. What you’re asking for sounds relatively simple. Li’l vague. #
- 08:18 Includes hotel buffet breakfasts are wonderful. Great service. Sadly, they also tend to milk their scrambled eggs. #
- 16:22 twitpic.com/1md69 – The St. Louis surprinsing of SJ Tucker was a complete success. Thanks to all helpers! piurl.com/1Eaa #
- 21:38 St. Louis… the story so far. And the details of the surprising of SJ Tucker. On my livejournal at: bit.ly/hhS8i #
- 22:08 @wilw Most wonderful experience of my life is the daily life of fatherhood to my 2 1/2 year-old boy. Everyday I feel so much I never knew 🙂 #
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