• 05:22 Good morning to all my twitter friends with the exception of @Jo_Canada and @fraserspeirs . To them I say.. um.. Good Afternoon. 🙂 #
  • 05:38 @howardhlederer is an amazingly classy Poker Player. His twitter(s) concerning sister @RealAnnieDuke on @CelebApprentice are awesome. #
  • 06:44 RT: @wilwheaton @feliciaday @drhorrible www.watchdollhouseweek.com/ #
  • 06:58 Twitter is quiet this morning on my watchlist. Granted, most of the people I follow have just woken up. Ah, to no longer be on the W. Coast. #
  • 07:13 @moon_ferret Good Morning. **yawn** is it Friday yet? #
  • 09:30 @fraserspeirs It often frightens me how adept Aiden (2 1/2) is with the iPod Touch. #
  • 09:46 @Jo_Canada I am quite solidly Central time now. So 15 more minutes of Morning. As for CST vs CDT… I never remember which is which. (O_o) #
  • 11:15 @RealAnnieDuke “Whore Pit” shouldn’t be banned from the WSOP. It should be slang for the card on the “River” being a royal annoyance. #
  • 11:16 Awesome lunch with @moon_ferret. Hopefully, many more to come. #
  • 11:24 @moon_ferret Well, there’s actually plenty more that a girl can ask for… But usually not on the first lunch meeting 😉 #
  • 11:43 Nice to see $AAPL holding its own against a mildly off DJ and NASDAQ. I think Apple represents a stock that has solidly rebuked the crash. #
  • 12:36 Getting lots done at work today. Hundreds of tiny tasks that need to be done in groups & certain order. 3 cheers for wikis and svn logs. 😮 #
  • 12:50 @moon_ferret You brought me down and doomed this town. #
  • 13:44 @macosken Just tried an update of the feed in iTunes. 4/24 is the last show the feed is listing (Chesterfield, MO) #
  • 14:00 @macosken Got it here. You Rock! #
  • 19:25 @jephjacques Still trying to get into tweetie. Definitely more mac than TweetDeck… but interface tends to feel like something is missing #
  • 19:26 Pleased with this seasons #heroes finale. Lots open for a new season. Enjoyed. #
  • 20:01 @heroespodcast Recently also went to tweetie from TweetDeck. Still doesn’t feel quite right but better than tweet deck. #
  • 20:10 @heroespodcast minute and a half #

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