Andrei’s daily twitter log is brought to you via LoudTwitter

  • 08:26 Horrid morning pun from today’s bagel shop magazine: “Jewish New Year: Shofar, So Good.” Guuuuuhhhhhh! And now you suffer, too! #
  • 09:23 Morning interwebz. It would seem I’m in a mildly foul mood this morning. Just a whole bunch of little things. Grymble 😛 #
  • 13:54 That was truly the most painful data transfer I think I’ve ever done. 4 hrs to migrate my install from one Mac to another.(Not 10.6 related) #
  • 00:45 Unhappy. 27 player tourney. Top 5 paid. Had chip lead to final table. Boy woke, busted on bubble. So much for #poker 🙁 #

P.S. Anyone notice the posting time? It’s relevant.