Andrei’s daily twitter log is brought to you via LoudTwitter

  • 16:25 RT @livingartist: Took kid to a birthday party. He did not melt down, and is now peacefully napping. Yay. #
  • 16:26 Additional: Took kid to a birthday party. **I** did not melt down, and is now peacefully coding. Yay. #
  • 16:33 In exactly 11 hrs it will be 3 hrs ago when my “package” shipped from China. I luuuuurve (sic) the int’l date line 🙂 #
  • 22:08 Are you familiar with the Wilhelm Scream? Here are some films that might have done better with the missing effect: #

P.S. Anyone notice the posting time? It’s relevant.

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