Andrei’s daily twitter log is brought to you via LoudTwitter

  • 14:20 Olga’s yum! My dad would be soooo proud! #food #
  • 14:22 Mind you. An hour trip to and then back to the next state for lunch can be taxing 🙂 #
  • 19:10 Can I get this as a 5000 piece puzzle? RT @fraserspeirs: 14830 x 2137 panorama of Perthshire in the snow: #
  • 19:14 Been playing “Rainbow Connection” for Aiden’s bedtime. Watching “Muppet Movie” and he’s trying to sing along 😀 Gleeeeee #parenthood #
  • 23:10 Finally saw last night’s Dollhouse. Loved it! Love the surprises. Love the twists! #

P.S. Anyone notice the posting time? It’s relevant.