Archive for November, 2013

thefoolIn the Tarot (Using Rider Waite as the base example) “The Fool” is referred to as the “0” card. As someone who came up through the world of Software Engineering, I’m pleased by the concept of null based indexing. You are counting based on completions to over simplify (Though, I think Dijkstra would shudder at my definition). From this point of view; the Fool is at the beginning of a journey and we haven’t yet taken that first step.

Wikipedia offers a great look into the symbolism found in the standard art of this card:

The Fool is the spirit in search of experience. He represents the mystical cleverness bereft of reason within us, the childlike ability to tune into the inner workings of the world. The sun shining behind him represents the divine nature of the Fool’s wisdom and exuberance, holy madness or ‘crazy wisdom‘. On his back are all the possessions he might need. In his hand there is a flower, showing his appreciation of beauty. He is frequently accompanied by a dog, sometimes seen as his animal desires, sometimes as the call of the “real world”, nipping at his heels and distracting him. He is seemingly oblivious that he is walking toward a precipice, apparently about to step off.

The number 0 is a perfect significator for the Fool, as it can become anything when he reaches his destination as in the sense of ‘joker’s wild’. Zero plus anything equals the same thing. Zero times anything equals zero.[6]Zero is nothing, a lack of hard substance, and as such it may reflect a non-issue or lack of cohesiveness for the subject at hand.

So with an idea and some enthusiasm I stand at the edge of the cliff ready to see if there is a place to walk or a place to fall. I assure you the dog nipping at my heel is actually closer to a great Dane or English Mastiff than the Corgi like pup pictured in the image. I know that I am not a business man. I do try to convince myself that I can play one; but in all honesty it’s not where my talents lie. I shudder to use the word visionary because that word seems to carry a lot of ego and accomplishment. The former I try not to have and the latter I know I lack. But I can see things clearly in my head. I can take them apart into their components and see how they get put back together. Sort of like Sylar without the bloodlust. (Okay, maybe a little bloodlust)

Today, I am putting together an agenda for a meeting I have with some people that I not only trust with a business idea but have enough acumen and experience to help get things started. yesterday, after a bout with illness and the accompanying poor mindset that often accompanies it; I was able to update certain licenses with Apple to my current base of operations. This means that apps can now be produced and sold. My spouse reminds me that even a small app in the pond is enough to get the water potentially flowing. So, I move back to looking at those apps in the meantime.

Tomorrow, I present the main idea and the timeline I have to my business comrades. I am truly building from a zero point and looking ahead from there. The simple short range goal comes in three hopefully easy steps:

  1. Work up some buzz from friends to see how insane I am (Done that, turns out… Not insane or friends share same insanity)
  2. Talk about the viability of the idea. Can it work, what is monetise-able?
  3. Map out a time-frame/roadmap that takes us from research and Proof of concept, through Kickstarter, to implementation.
  4. Jump

Honestly at this point I need a strong enough business plan and road map to at least try to find one of two angels to say, “Yes… this is thought out and has a reasonable chance of success.” Of course I also have to in step 2 talk about how I compensate people for time in the “Buildup” phase. This is a fancy term which means, “IOU” Somehow, people’s support (including my own) need to be recorded and duly compensated in the long run.

So, the gaping maw of the world awaits. Tomorrow I gather colleagues that I have known for a combination of  65 years covering a distance of about 4,000 miles (Though our individual travels have been much further). My colleagues have experience in business, technical knowledge, and design. I also have a small fleet of supporters with experience in the target audience I’m hoping to move into.

It’s a leap. Unlike the Fool, I’d hope it’s not a completely blind leap based on Success from not knowing what other’s know doesn’t work.

More as more happens. Wishes of Skill, Luck, and Support more than welcome.

What next?

MunchAngstHalfway through the first week. I have an idea, I have people’s enthusiasm, and a lot of abject fear.

It’s a lot to contemplate. Where to go? How to get this started? I treasure the love and support from my family, but I have to admit; I honestly feel like I’ve stepped out onto a tightrope going into the darkness and have no idea how far the ground is let alone how far across it is to the next stage.

It is so strange to feel the pull of responsibility being quieted down by the support of loved ones to take the step on this unknown journey. I want to provide for my family and I don’t want to depend on anyone for support; but here I am wondering how to make a project like this roll.

That’s it… Really just a quick one here. Comments (as always) are welcome.

The seeds of a plan

planting-seedsOver the past week I have looked at every partial piece of software I have. A few I have poked at while others I’ve just sort of stared at like a staff sergeant looking over a bunch of fresh-faced new recruits wondering why half of them are even here. One of the projects my wife and I have wanted to make for a while has been at the front of the line. I did some coding on it a month or so back. It seemed like a nifty idea.

Without opening the box too much, it is a little puzzle maker. What type of puzzle isn’t really important here. You can make puzzles, solve puzzles, send puzzles to friends. I think I had a mental grip on where it could monetize. I even could see the initial road map of the app and how to spring off other apps from it. There doesn’t seem to be any other apps in this niche and it has some chance to stand on its own with the right development.

But for some reason, it just wasn’t buzzing for me. That’s not to say that I’d pay the project any disrespect. I just don’t know how many people would really jump on something like this. It feels “Kinda cool” and I know that my family would get some enjoyment out of it. But it feels like a tine little ember rather than something that is utterly engaging to me.

While driving my boy home from the bus stop last evening, I thought about another old idea. One that I’d never even started to code. Something I’d seen in paper form years before that I always thought might be better suited as a mobile app. And then I mentally crawled around the ecosystem where this thing would live. The whole ecosystem started to grow in my mind. The Business side, the SaaS component (a term I swore I’d never use), the adjoining consumer component side. It wasn’t just a project… I saw an entire monetize-able business. There even seemed an open niche.

I thought about the contacts in my personal world who had any contact within this ecosystem and figured I’d give them a ping to see if they felt there was a niche opportunity. I called it my 30 second elevator-chat. Give them an idea of what I think can be done. Everyone seemed to react far better than I expected. People saw the value and what could be done. Several offered to sign up and help in anyway they could. (Which considering the entire starting point of $0 and $0 short range income… This seems promising.

Well, the next step was the inevitable step to see how resilient the bubble of my idea was to bursting. Search the internet… you’re certain to find several people in the unfilled niche already trying to fill it. And I did. Happily, no one addressed the audience I wanted. Many didn’t even fill in 25% of what I wanted. This of course begs the question as to whether I am seeing too big a picture or whether there is far too much to do. But the most important one thing that came out the other side was me. It is far too easy to throw up my hands and say, “Ah, well… It already exists.” On the other hands, I think there is still a business case out there.

Granted… I’m a coder with delusions of grandiose ideas.

So, onto my next step. I have gotten buzz from people who are closer to the target; I have seen the potential competition and what the field may look like. I need to cull some people with higher business acumen to take a look at what I’m looking at and help me see if this idea is viable. We need to see if and how we can approach it to make a first step, that would be a strong entry.

I think the project has legs. Other people think the project may have wings. Now I just need a person or two to help me move it out of metaphor and towards the kind of “Proof of concept” that gets it the best thing it could have. Financial support.

Shrug. Challng… Accptd!

Being Responsible

cabaretSo, despite today being a minor government holiday, “National ‘People who Ignore the fact that we have Veterans’ Subjugation Day” it was also the first day of the next step in my work career.

I always joke that creative types are never really un-employed. They just don’t have people paying for their talents at the moment. In software one can go from feast to famine fairly quickly. But honestly, in any field one can do the same.

Obviously, the income I’m best going to be able to generate is going to come from two sources. Unrealistically, it will come from becoming a Texas-Hold ’em overnight sensation and I will transform $2, 000 into $2,000,000 by the end of the week. Fortunately, schizophrenia is only in my family history; so I am able to more adeptly look at reality.

I am an Apple 3rd party engineer. It just so happens, the party has come to my house. So now it’s time to finally put up or shut up. I’ve been a member of Apple’s third party development program in one form or another for about 20 years. I have a tonne of history that includes operating system bugs in the Apple OS that date back to Mac OS 7.6.1 (Yes, kids there was an Apple OS before OS X) I do also have correspondence with Apple that goes back over 30 years due to an issue that I found in Apple DOS 3.2.

However, there are certain financial ducks (I fix an autocorrect that really didn’t help here) to get in a row. First was the responsibility of notifying the 2nd of my 3 primary creditors of my financial situation. Fortunately, I’d been paying insurance on my primary credit card against work termination. This insurance should cover my minimum payments and may forgive some of my debt.

I also filed for state assistance. Knowing that this lugubrious process is by design complicated and demoralizing. However; the important part is that I did it. So, I can admit… right now I have savings; they will dwindle; I am taking steps to take on contractual work, and will hopefully generate more income soon. Until then, I am not a moocher, but think I have earned the assistance that I have been contributing into in the event of this kind of a situation.

Finally, I have applied to get a full vendor’s license for Apolo Productions out of my home. I have had an EIN for Apolo for over a decade. I have just rarely needed to tap on it. But putting in the application I can start using these licenses again and update my “Lack of Corporate” headquarters with Apple to allow them to pay me if any apps I publish see fruition.

In the mean time my spouse is hopefully going to ramp up her Art business again through a few different points. Etsy for crafts. I hope at some point to display the mural she’s been working on. Not bad for someone with a Chronic Spine Injury.

My business plan is to create a few apps. Some that are free; but free only in as much as I don’t believe they warrant selling them. Anything I sell has to be for a reason. The core reason is that I feel in honestly fills a marketable niche and I want to think thru how the app is best monetized. People are very careful now-a-days with how they spend money on apps; even though they do it at an alarming rate. The trick is to have the right app with the right monetization.

Do it right; or don’t do it. The stuff to the side is meant to be for learning and thus for free.

Shorter posts but more frequent for a while. Please note… While I don’t get a lot of comments on the blog; both comments and sharing of these posts are appreciated. This feedback is a tangible connection as I make a lot of decisions.

Thanks for listening. Thanks more for talking.