• 09:59 New domain hosting complete on the server. Invoiced one of my hosting customers for their job. Now I can catch up on the blog. #
  • 11:34 Aiden ‘lost control’ in the potty today. The firehose got loose and well… Some things don’t wash out of hair I discovered. (more…) #
  • 11:35 I had to expose my boy (and some of you) to something he’s never had to look at before. Guh. twitpic.com/16z8vy #
  • 22:39 Now, if I can stay awake, I can write the post on my tech woes. #
  • 23:57 Late night inappropriate question and answer: “Does the carpet match the curtains?” “I think she has blinds actually.” (+1 response) #

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