Category: Health

I got very sick yesterday at work. My fever peaked at about 101.3. Last night I went to MedExpress in Monroeville and managed to pass out while they were taking my BP. So from there they sent me to a hospital.

At the hospital while trying to draw blood I managed to pass out again and then managed to crash. My temp was at 103.1 (which in my opinion is a radio station, not a human temperature). They moved me to an emergency triage room, drew blood, hydrated me, and gave me an anti-mimetic, morphine, and a whole bunch of other things. At this point my typical 128/72 BP was reading at 84/42.

I was told they were admitting me. Amazingly in 40+ years this is the 2nd time I’ve been admitted to a hospital and even the 1st time shouldn’t count as I was 5 for an outpatient procedure they felt would be better as inpatient due to my age. My BP and temp were worrisome enough, but the blood test showed my white blood cell count was VERY high. They also wanted to run a CT scan. I hadn’t eaten, but they weren’t sure if I might need surgery, so they didn’t permit me to eat or drink.

I got to spend the night in a nice single room in the hospital and around 10am the nurse called a doctor and got permission for me to get food… Starting at lunch. Fortunately Heather showed up and brought my computer and power cables and then ran down to the cafe and got me a banana and a bag of Fritos (The latter of which isn’t sitting as well as I’d hoped)

So… Now I am in the hospital with no real knowledge of release or what the diagnosis is. I’m feeling about 80% as compared to the 10% last night. I’m even trying to do some work to stay on top of things.

I’d welcome visits from friends. I’d ask that you email or IM first. (If you don’t have an email to contact me… ) This is why I’ve been vague on “The hospital.” When you contact me I’ll give the details.

Not doing too badly. Don’t know the details, still.


This post contains some medical information that may be TMI; but I try to softball it. Also: The picture to the side is fake. This is not what I looked like during the episode.

This morning I awoke to an annoying feeling that there was something in my mouth. Sadly that object was my tongue; but it was assuredly the wrong size. The left side was noticeably larger than it should be.

When I was in my graduate school years, I began experiencing random episodes of Angioedema. Initially I’d believed that my arches were falling from doing too much folk dancing on a paved drill deck. I’d feel swelling on the bottoms of my feet. Then it spread to my hands, and at rare times my face. The usual target was my lips. The most entertaining episode was a swelling of my eyelids the day I was helping to teach a class on Origami. My friend in the group who was Japanese took one look at me and said, “You’ve gone a bit overboard for this.” I replied, “Ironically timed illness.” The worst episode had my face swollen to the point that my eyes wouldn’t open. My ex-gf to this day tells me it wasn’t as bad as I think. (I still believe she lies really well.)

I didn’t know what it was because typically by the time I’d gotten to a doctor, it had faded. After a FULL battery of scratch tests, I came back negative on all counts. Allergists put me on Zyrtec and Zantac as sort of a “Hopeful Guardian”. The random flares subsided but never went away. For the longest time the culprit remained unknown.

We turn the clock forward a smidge over a decade and now I have a 6 month old child. One night the child is really crying. We call the doctor and he says it could be teething or a mild fever and to give him children’s liquid Motrin. Filling the alligator dosage spoon is a very messy job. Motrin is also annoyingly sticky. And about 30 minutes after dosing the infant… my hands were hurting. No, they were swelling. The reason I didn’t place a link for Motrin is because of what it is. Motrin is liquid Ibuprofen. Ibuprofen was something we used in abundance in my grad school days.

It turns out that Ibuprofen only has a half-life of 1.8 – 2 hrs. This of course is based on how it is distributed to the system. You don’t take “Ibuprofen” directly, you take it in a pill that releases it over a certain amount of time. Liquid and gel forms are more fast-acting. This would explain why one or two ibuprofen tablets wouldn’t show a reaction for several hours and not be really noticeable for making a connection. It would also explain that taking one or two maximum dosage tablets (and why would a college student ever think of exceeding the daily dosage of a painkiller) might have a cascade effect.

So with the reaction to my hands from the Motrin and the thoughts back to college. Okay… cut out ibuprofen. Easy. And the number of episodes of Angioedema became negligible.

The clock of reminiscence returns to today.

I woke up this morning and my tongue was very swollen. I went to the bathroom and opened my mouth to look. This caused my tongue to move back in my throat. Bad plan. I choked for about 45 seconds trying to clear my airways. This I fortunately succeeded at. Blessings upon the great Saint Demosthenes and his determination to fight a speech impediment. I was only concerned with maintaing a slow and calmed breathing pattern. I knew that if I couldn’t muster that, well… I had to muster there was really no choice.

I woke Heather calmly and signed to her that I was swelling and having difficulty breathing. It was also obvious that Demosthenes be damned, it was nearly impossible for me to talk. Swallowing and/or talking led to me having to re-adjust or choke a little.

In her words “I’m not panicking, I’m just energized.” I kept mouthing to her with a smile, “You lie.” She was determined to convince me that she wasn’t panicked and works great in a crisis. It was tense as we located the nearest hospital. The problem with Yogic breathing and concentration is that when you tell the drone at the emergency room, “My husband is having an allergic reaction, his tongue is swelled and he’s having difficulty breathing.” they tend not to get very fazed. She was about as deadpan and dis-interested as imaginable. In retrospect, understandable. At the time in question ANNOYING! She paged the staff and said, “Triage: Patient has swollen tongue and difficulty breathing.” And a nurse and tech appeared within about 15 seconds. Yay medically trained people.

Within about 10 minutes I was in a room and being prepped for an IV. My BP was 158/88. My BP NEVER goes above 132/76. The nurse looked at me and said, “Do you usually take your BP when suffocating from anaphylaxis?” She also said I’d be good as new and I asked if I’d be able to play the piano again to which she responded, “Absolutely, and pitch for the Yankees as well as you did before as well.” She was good.

The IV cocktail was a combination of Benadryl, Pepcid (Similar to Ranitidine) and some steroid that I don’t remember. They three kept (and to the moment still keep) me kinda loopy with waves of clarity. As of 6pm the bouts of clarity are much better. Thank you to EVERYONE who commented.

As a result, I am now the owner of an EpiPen. I’ve known people who’ve had them. However, until about 15 minutes ago when my prescription was handed to me, I’d never seen one, seen one used, etc. And no, “Pulp Fiction” used Adrenaline. So the chance of something like this happening again are much more reduced.

The cause is still up in the air and as mentioned, we’ve already begun scheduling my trip to an allergist.

Thank you one last time for all your good wishes. All is well.

This post is not for my dearest Heather (who really needs to stop reading this now) as she’s lived through this more than enough for five lifetimes.

I am still gathering thoughts and impressions over this. I also still fully intend to write a book on our experiences. But one can say that after three and a half years this part of the journey is over.

I am home recovering today because going back into work on the East Coast Monday morning after 10 days on the west coast and travelling roughly 8 hours on the day before with a 4am wake up and landing at midnight (Pacific) (an hour late) may not have been the wisest idea.

During the case we asked for $1.4(M). This was based on several things not the least was permanent spinal damage that was going to cause a life of pain managed by monthly prescriptions of closely monitored narcotics, MRIs every 1-2 years to assure the damage wasn’t getting worse, the loss of our ability to have further children (Narcotics really aren’t good for children in utero), and the general upheaval to our lives. (The breakdown was $1M for Heather, $300K for myself, and $100K for Aiden)

The testimony of the “Independent” Medical Examiners, which is legal talk for Doctors hired by the defense to destroy the credibility of the injured party, were horrifying. Both made Heather out to be someone who was suffering from Scoliosis from before the accident and overselling her pain. They also went so far as to say that narcotics were bad for her.

The closing argument from the defense attorney was horrid. Any desire I ever had for legal work evaporated as he bent the misinformation into truth and bent the truth into unreliability. It was in a word sickening. This included such statements as, “I’m an only child and I’m happy.” I do not know how this man lives with himself. And I hate the argument, “You were just doing your job.”

The jury came back and awarded fair damages for medical work done in Washington (<20K which will likely all go to repay subrogation), but once we moved it was considered unnecessary. I’m not really sure how leaving a state cures someone. They believed no future medical costs were necessary. There was some pain and suffering as Washington mandates its award if economic damages are awarded. On Aiden and my behalf they awarded chump change for pain and suffering. Of whatever we see, 25% goes to the lawyer as payment.

Our lawyer informed us that two jury members utterly believed our story and were prepared to offer us what we asked for. One elderly woman however utterly felt that Heather was a narcotics addict and believed everything else. And the rest of the jury… compromised in the middle. Well conservative side of middle.

We’ve now seen what works and what horrendously doesn’t work in the Justice system. We know the games and powers that insurance companies use to batter away at the will and confidence of victims.

Make no mistake, Heather has received permanent spinal injury from the accident that she was a victim of. The type of injury can cause an array of neurological damage that she as been blissfully spared (so far). At the same time it also causes pain that is on par with delivering a child 24/7 and will live with that forever.

The insurance company and the defense lawyer where solidly aware of that. But did their jobs to undermine her as a victim. That is their jobs. Ours is to learn and to change the system so that the innocent aren’t damaged to the level we were.

Just a short note; the next two parts (Groups 3&2 and Group 1) are written, they just need to be edited and annotated. Sadly, today at work my energy from my precious two weeks gave out and I haven’t really had the energy to finish them. Hopefully, I will have them up tomorrow and then the follow up posting on Monday’s episode 6 later in the week.

I hope readers are enjoying them. I’d love feedback, agreements, disagreements, suggestions. You know the usual waste of time.


From the hearts

Today has been a non-stop ride. Both figuratively and literally. This post is going to try in vain to not be entirely stream of consciousness as it was the result of a series of realizations. The realization was the result of what was a split second of panic that lasted about 10 minutes.

Today I am flying from Pittsburgh to San Jose. Tomorrow I visit “[NICKNAME]”, “[NICKNAME]”, “[NICKNAME]”, “[OLD-NICKNAME]. I am traveling to [REDACTED]. Before you wonder if I’ve already said too much…[REDACTED]. However, that’s all I’m saying about that. The trip however, is one of those trips you only get when trying to get the cheapest flight on short notice. This is a THREE leg flight. I started in Pgh, Flew to DC. Had a 3 hour layover. Discovered my flight from DC to Phoenix would be late. And then knew I had a VERY SHORT change between Phoenix and San Jose. As it turned out; the way things were supposed to play out was that I would be landing at A2 in Phoenix. Would have 20 minutes to get to A28, which was one terminal corridor over. It wouldn’t be fun; but I’d make it.

The DC-Phoenix flight was the long leg. 4hrs. At first my single serving friend was a mid to late 20’s woman named Justine. She was interviewing in DC and had flown out yesterday from SF and was flying back today. And I thought my 3 day flight was bad. We commented that she had the window, I had the aisle and maybe we’d luck out. Justine and I chatted a little. i’m an extravert; she was very nice and I hate spending 4 hrs staring at an iDevice. The Chris arrived. Chris was a 25 yr old Korean grad student. T-Shirt, Jeans, Sandals. I commented to Justine that inevitably someone would have to come between us. You can fly 10-15 times. A Single-Serving-Friend like Chris is about 1 in 100. There was endless talking, accidental footsies only one or two awkward moments. (I was 18 when she was born, and my limit is 28) But she was great fun to kill 4 hrs with and I hope to chat again at sometime.

4 hours later… It was obvious my delayed flight was not making up time. I set a timer for 10 minutes before the flight time. That’s when US Airways closes the door unless there’s been an actual delay. We hit the tarmac with 12 minutes on my timer. I checked my flight tracker. We were pulling into gate A29 not A2. Hey that’s the next gate over! Yay. And my flight… has been.. moved… to … B28. Picture 4 equally spaced columns. Each of those is a terminal hallway. Picture a line connecting the base of those columns and each column is one column height apart. I now had to run down the length of column 1, across to column 4 and up its length. I had 7 minutes to do this. I pushed thru first class saying, “Sorry, 6 minute connection far end of the airport.” One guy in 1st class blocked my exit and said, “So, what?” I pushed by him saying, “Really?” and then “You know first class isn’t supposed to turn you into an asshole” and started my run.

I am out of shape. I will be honest about this. I think I could stand to lose 50#. In my graduate school years (circa age 25) I was 141 pounds. (Not healthy).. nearly 20 years later I am 240. That’s about 5 pounds a year of not fit. I often feel like the shame of my company. We work in fitness and I look like I don’t even use the product. (Mind you.. I do. Just not as well as I could)… in the airport…Yes.. there was moving walkways. I had several out of breath conversations with them. The gate staff where I got off my late flight tried to call ahead to the gate staff at my departing flight. I hit B16 (The last column) and heard that my flight had been moved… to B-24. Okay… 1/4 corridor closer. A 43 year old, nigh 250# man, with a backpack and a CPAP running up a hallway. At B18 I heard. Flight 285 for San Jose, Gate B24 – Final Boarding call” My timer clicked off and played the “Amen Break” I asked a worker if he could run and tell them I was coming and he just sort of looked at me and walked on. I hit B20 and stopped. In probably my strongest Radio voice (which was amazing considering the wheezing by this point) I boomed, “Attention: B24, Passenger currently running at B20, HOLD THE DOOR.” The looks from everyone at the B20 Gordon Biersch will be long remembered. 5 minutes after the doors should have been closed. I was on the jetway.

I felt like I was going to die. My legs were on fire. Every breath was pained. I was dizzy and stumbling in the jetway. I think my knees almost buckled once. The Flight attendant looked at me and said, “Are you okay?” I looked at him and honestly said, “No” He made me stay at the front of the plane while he got me water. He said, “We really don’t want you passing out.” I said, “Too much paperwork.” He said, “No, I really would hate to see someone pass out.” They helped me to my seat. I was so shaky that I spilled some of my water on the nice English woman in the seat in front of me and her iPad. She was very gracious. (We’re English. That’s what we do) The other flight attendant brought me a wet paper town and a dry one. I just sat there trying to get my breath.

The occasional uncomfortable cough, the tightness of the lungs. The legs wanting to be removed. I logged in long enough to tell the universe I made the flight and comment that I wanted to die. (Figurative) There was a message from the person I know in Phoenix who I’d put a “If I don’t make my flight can you help” message out to. She wasn’t going to be able to help. Fortunately, I didn’t need to call on her. My mind swam around that. I really thought about this person and our history. How our lives had been, the friendship/relationship we’d had. The way our lives drifted apart. I found myself really missing her as a friend in my life. I hope at some point I can sit down even by phone and just have a good long talk with her. I hope that time and some of the unfortunate things that have happened in our past have not ruined what was a great friendship.

I gasped some more thinking about the things I would change in my history. Not necessarily with this friend but in general. I got myself thinking about the idea of one phone call that could completely change my life. And that was easy. Calling my dad in 1973. He’d left the army, was a prominent doctor at a hospital, clinic, prison, and private practice. If I could call him and tell him everything he would lose within 5 years when he’d have a stroke before the age of 40. Everything he’d worked for would be lost. Entirely. I thought about telling him how I was his 5 yr old son, calling from the future. Telling him how he’d never be able to play the banjo again, or do card and coin magic. How his job and license would be lost. Because he didn’t prepare. He didn’t think ahead.

And the more I thought about change. The more a voice said to me… what would you change? And I saw my family. The people I see everyday now. I thought of my wife who I love more every day. I thought of my girlfriend who I care for more deeply than I’ve been able to show of late. Several long and short term lovers around the country. Being Poly (in my mind) means you don’t just kick feelings away. I realize that I still love the people I’ve loved; Even the unrequited ones who never loved me back. They are my feelings and they don’t lessen just because you don’t reciprocate. I just don’t act on them. It doesn’t make me love the people close to me any less. And there was one person who stood above the rest. The only person of my own gender that I’ve ever truly loved.

My five year old. Aiden. He drives me insane, He makes me laugh, He makes me want to put my head thru a wall. He makes me proud. He makes me feel like I’ve already failed as a father and I’ve screwed him up for life. And I would not change one bad moment in my history at all if it had any chance of undoing the cosmic miracle that my wife and I created by making him.

I was still on the imaginary time-traveling phone with my father when the voice changed. It wasn’t me saying Dad anymore. It was Aiden. “All these things you’re saying to him. It’s me. I’m saying them to you. Don’t make the same mistake. There’s still time.” I was still trying to catch my breath. I’m sitting here contemplating my history, my future, and I’m feeling like I’m looking at my life. “I am not dying.” I don’t want to die. I don’t want to get sick. I want to be healthy. I want to see my great-grandchildren the same way my wife’s grandmother has.

I’ve had this thought many times. I have to get healthy. I got a membership to a gym about 7 months ago. Which I have yet to actually go to. I try exercises in the morning for a day or two about once every year and a half. I need to make it right. I have no clue how. I haven’t had a lot of success trying. But I can’t keep living like this waiting to get to unhealthy that it is too late. I choose to believe that my future-Aiden’s voice in my head is right and it ‘s not too late.

I have been touched by so many lives. I hope to have touched many lives (hopefully it was a good touch)…

I made my flight. I want to make my life again.

The best words in a film from the past 5 years are from “Wall-E”

“I don’t want to survive. I want to live.”

Dedicated to (In order)
My wonderful “K” and my loving partner Heather and the most important thing in the world to me: Aiden.