- 09:10 So with the current craze… would the “Flintstones” actually be defined as Cavepunk? #
- 14:51 While I can write @clairecmc about issues. My Congressional Rep is a Far right Republican. I doubt I would be heard on ANY topic. #akin #
- 16:05 Most of you will feel for the woman. Jade will feel for her pet: tr.im/RuDS #
- 21:32 Just let me bask in this moment before both of them pulverise my score. twitpic.com/180x7k #
- 22:23 @tweetie Will we ever see a Mac client update? #
- 02:04 Have tried to go to sleep 3 times tonight. Keep staring at ceiling. Out of Sominex. Trying again :-/ #
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