Tag Archive: cleaning

User roles thinned

Due to the incoming noise to signal ratio slowly approaching the famed “infinity over zero”, I’ve had to take some counter measures.

Any unrecognised user has been deleted. (My huge apologies if you had registered and I deleted you.)
You have to comment or email me to register an account (for now)
All comments will be moderated.

The latter is a bit of a joke because of the last 10 comments I received… One was legit. The rest were spam.

I don’t post a lot here. but I do like this place and hope to always post more.

I hope people read the blog and will feel inclined to comment.

That’s all for now.

[ff @lordandrei] is going to sleep. (More about that new whizbang thing tomorrow)


The question was put to me: “What time this week would you like help packing”

My intent this week is to have the truck loaded by Saturday night when I go to sleep.

As a result… I can use extra hands for pakcing, cleaning, trashing, boxing… 24/7 from now until I close the truck.

That’s right. Anyone wants to come by, there’s work I can put them to. I’ll feed you and give you lots of drinks. But We need the hands. More as the week goes on. All hands on deck from Friday evening until we shut the truck on Saturday.

Please consider dropping by… As this will be likely the last time you see us for a while, possibly ever in some cases.

We’d love to see you (and have you work for us 😉 )

Email, call, comment, or anything. Drop by 🙂


I should try to sleep, eh?

In engineering as in many other jobs you are sometimes given a project you really love to work on. It’s the thing you like doing and this unto itself is a good thing ™. However, this project usually is delivered with 2-5 other projects that you hate. Furthermore, these projects are far more important and (of course) need to be finished by last week.

My happiness is that I’ve just finished all but one of the ‘icky’ projects and may now go back to working on my baby. I can’t really talk about it in this open forum….yet. But I’ll reserve bragging rights for later 🙂

All in all, life has been okay. I’m still happy with my cleaning efforts. A friend came by the house and gave me the requisite, “Am I in the right place?” This was sufficient to make me happy. I’m also finally getting a chance to tear into old packed boxes from my first Calif move. I found all my old genealogy stuff and am hoping to get in touch with my local relative before she gets too old.

Things are still a mess with my natural family. At latest count my maternal side of the family is positive that my father died in August, my paternal side is positive that he is doing fine. Personally, I don’t have the energy to even bother with it anymore.

So this was just a quick breather while I prepare to dive into my pet project for the rest of today. Wish me luck I’m on a tight time frame 🙂


What a weekend!

Well, this weekend had it’s ups and downs. It’s one of those rebalance the checkbook months. This means that I’m living on about $15 until the end of the month. 9 days. Yes, in my depression; I once again got a bee in my bonnet to make it _all_ right.

The downs were that my cell phone seems to have vanished. It’s not expensive but it’s my primary phone. Basically a massive screwup has me owing PacBell about $1200. Until we can come to terms and figure out who made the mistake…I’m using a different phone at home… As soon as I find it.

Well…Friday, to keep from getting to depressed I started the entire Budget and organizational thing. To quote a recently ex-gf, “You know….” When you budget rather than spend money willy nilly, things look much better.If I don’t spend very much money over the next 3 years; I can have a nice down payment for a really cool house 🙂

Well, I couldn’t leave it there. So I did Laundry on Saturday. Every imaginable piece of clothing I could find. Sunday was worse. I started ripping into the unopened boxes from the move. More clothes. More cleaning! PITTSBURGH STEELERS WIN…

So at this point, The kitchen and Bathroom look like I’ve only recently moved in. Completely clean. The living room still has a way to go; but I cleared away about 40% of the boxes.

Last night was the premier of Tracker. An alien tracker is looking for 220 or so aliens running around on earth. It’s Time Trax meets Starman meets Highlander/Forever Knight. The last two may seem odd. But it makes sense. The series’ exec. Prod. Is Adrian Paul. He’s also the star. He spent most of the first episode enacting the first 40 or so minutes of Starman. at the end of the episode..we see Gerrant Wyn-Davies. I think that’s the spellling…Who knows. He was the star of Forever Knight. Kudos to Paul for pulling GWD in on the project. The Fantasy fans will love seeing these two actors again. And of course praying for the occasional cameo and the Fan Fic should be quite tasty.

So. My plan was to get to bed early and wake up early. go to the gym and work out. At least at 10:30…that was the plan. By 11 Ares the cat was getting rambunctious. By 11:30 he was into the garbage. By midnight I was chasing him around the flat with KittyCalmer.

So at 1:30 I decided…to hell with this. I couldn’t sleep and the cat was ticking me off.

I drove into the office. Finished all the preliminary work for today and went off to the gym at about 6am. I did upper body this morning. Fat Andrei is now hovering around about 200. Well 199 3/4 but who’s counting…Me I guess.

I did all kinds of upper arm stuff today: Abdominal crunches, Tricep extensions, Bicep curls, Incline presses, 10%,, Chest curl and Lat Pull downs. Strained but not too badly. Enough to burn a little, not enough to over extend myself. (Oh, are my arms going to hurt tomorrow.

Well, at this point I’m up to about 52 oz of water downed.

I guess I should note about the Programming thing from Friday. It got put off pending further research 😉 I got to do some cool stuff that I wanted to.

In general. Life is good this morning. I feel jazzed for the week and the Future that I’m planning out 🙂