Tag Archive: doctor who

This doesn’t actually fit on icanhaztardis or lolcats or pretty much any of my boards.

But the second I saw this image from the assoicated press, the caption was unbelievably obvious to me.

Granted, you have to know my fandom and opinions to get the most out of it.
Image behind the cut to soften the blow

From rimrunner

Doctor Who – Blink!!

Kitty style

(Don’t blink!!!)

Muchly thanks to rimrunner for posting the link.

Let’s start with the relevant icons to explain:

So… we have the new Prius. And it has all the trimmings. Including the ones we couldn’t get when we first went shopping for one 3 years ago. Satnav (Atmos can not be disabled!), Bluetooth, 5 disc CD.. and a cassette deck.

Today I purchased a cassette adaptor. I plugged it into my iPhone and fired up the Doctor Who theme for aiden_freeman

Playing on the car’s really nice sound system…Aiden was giddy. He loves the theme.

Afterwards as usual he babbled a bit at said he requisite, “Doc-Doc?” Which is very good and we encourage him.

Then he blew our minds. After babbling from the back seat we hear him go:

Ooooh Weeee Ooooh.

It took the better part of 5 minutes for us to recover ourselves. The toddler grinning ear to ear at his accomplishment.

This is my boy and I AM a PROUD father.


For those that care…

… I’ve now seen “Turn Left”
