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Version 93102938 of the random questions for random friends here.

Random questions about random friends…

Memetime redux

So I posted this one Sunday. I’m going to repost it because it hit a few snags.

1) the 100 space limit on text questions was too limiting
2) people left comments about people without telling me which person.

So, here we go again (I’ll still list answers from the last one)

The idea is to write something nice about someone on my friends list. Yes, you have to tell me who it’s about. (I won’t tell)

Then, when I get all the responses I’ll make a posting that says:
afreeman – Someone says “You’re clever. That’s so cool.”

It’s a chance to give almost (but not really) anonymous compliments to people.


I’ll post all the comments from Sunday’s poll-post and todays by 6pm Thursday (my time)

Stolen from tikva who stole it from izzycat who caught it from catamorphism

Have something nice to say about someone else? Now’s the chance. I won’t post who said what but I’ll group them by person to receive good comments 🙂

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