Yesterday… I was wondering how this would affect things. Would I make 24 hrs? Would the child eat my time? Would I go to the rituals?

I can say as I type this my eyes are drooping. Where this to continue any longer… i’d probably not make it.

I’m pretty well near the end of this. I am going to sleep.. and sleep hard for the next few hours.

While few people will read this… I want to remind people… Sponsorship will be open thru Tuesday at 9pm.

So you can hop on and still send some support for Planned Parenthood.

So far the tally is $516.93 And as I was expecting $50… I’m not cmplaining.

Now I will again say… $150 more would make $666.93 🙂

But now it’s coming to an end.. And I did it

But I didn’t do it alone. I really have to thank shimmeringjemmy who was understandably cautious when I surprised her with this but was so amazingly supportive.

Also special shout outs to bentnails, ebony_sphynx and of course asphyxi. ka3ytl who did some transcription.

And all the sponsors. If you haven’t sponsored yet.. it’s still open… Check the links at the bottom.

Hell of a night.

Thank you to all.

I can has naps nau?

360 Blogs
$118,338.99 raised for Charity.

You can still sponsor me throughout TUESDAY at 9PM Pacific time. Even though Blogathon is over:
Registration required
You can sponsor by the hour or a simple monetary donation.
Thanks to my sponsors so far. We’ve raised $516.93 for Planned Parenthood

Don’t forget… Sponsors for $5 or more get a FireSeaStudios art card of their choosing.

I also recommend he following blogathon bloggers:
shadesong* is raising money for the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center
rhiannonstone* is raising money for San Francisco Sex Information

*I am a sponsor of this Blog for Blogathon