Tag Archive: humour

As mentioned earlier this morning… It is in fact… April 1st

I’m not entirely sure I want to actively participate today.

So… I’ve decided to keep a running log of what I’ve seen today.

Please feel free to contribute your findings on the net in the comments. If you want to follow the list (which will be edited throughout the day, you’ll want to track the post (the thumbtack icon)
The list so far. Please feel free to contribute.

Would you consider this picture to be doctored?

My latest craze is Facebook.

It is probably one of the best “Social Networking” sites I’ve found to date.

And trust me.. this is something I’ve been researching since the dialup BBS days in 1979. (Yes, I’m hardcore)

Facebook has communities. I really needed to share this one.. because… well, it’s just too damned true.

History: I was raised in both states of Pennsylvania. 15 years Eastern PA/ 15 years Western PA. I was NOT born in PA. I was raised by New Yorkers. So this rings very true on so many levels:

Community name: Dear Pennsylvania: Get the F*** Out of the Left Lane. Love, New Jersey

Community Description:
It’s common knowledge that Pennsylvania produces the highest percentage of Left Lane Dicks out of all the states in the Union.

You know these people: there is absolutely no one in any of the lanes to their right, yet they insist on maintaining 55 mph in the left lane. As you nearly rear-end them at 85, you discover they are from Pennsylvania, throwing you further into a rage.

It’s not uncommon for we New Jersey drivers to tailgate these people for miles on end, despite the fact that it would be easier to simply move over and go around their slow asses. However, we’re from Jersey, and as always, we have a point to prove. We tailgate them, honk our horn, flash our high beams, and flip them off when we finally decide to go around.

So, Pennsylvania – Get the F*** out of the Left Lane.

Note: This is more about Eastern Pennsylvanians than Western (by experience)

I love my spouse

A quick story explaining yet another reason why I am so happily in love with shimmeringjemmy

For those few that don’t know H has hearing aids. Over the years I’ve developed an international Andrei sign language system. It is not really grounded in any form of formal sign language beyond maybe years of pantomime.

I’ve gotten very good at conveying concepts and topics. For example this morning I successfully conveyed:

“You know, I realize the baby is still asleep, but as soon as you turn on the shower, he’s going to wake up. Don’t worry, I’ll watch him.”

None of this was voiced, only Andrei-signed. And I can assure you, she understood.

Granted, my signing has gotten complex enough that I often go into non-sensical but realistic looking signs. Today, I went into a sign after the above concept. H looked at me, nodded, swung her hips around and did a dance move that could only be described as a sideways froog. I gave her a thumbs up.

She’d countered my non-sensical mime with some of her own… And we’d agreed on our non-communication.

That was awesome. She hugged me and went off to the shower.

She is so muchly with the awesome 🙂

Heard from someone’s post on LJ (will update with direct quote and link when I get it)

“Oh no, I can move effortlessly. I am a leaf on the wi— no wait.. I know how that one plays out. Ahem.. I am a leaf on the water. So there.”