So… my manager told me that with his first child he kept telling people he was at Defcon 4.

So, I’ve decided to make BirthCon.

A five level (denoted by numbers not colours) system to give the world and idea where I am.

Birthcon 5 (BC:5) – shimmeringjemmy is Pregnant
Birthcon 4 (BC:4) – She is not in labour. (this makes more sense after BC:3)
Birthcon 3 (BC:3) – Something has up-ticked and we are in contact with care providers. This may or may not be labour. I tend to refer to this as “The uterus that cried wolf”
Birthcon 2 (BC:2) – We have confirmed active labout
Birthcon 1 (BC:1) – We are in transition
Birthcon 0 (BC:0) – Not really part of the system.. We are no longer pregnant.

My general procedure is as follows:
BC:3… A select number of people are told first. Maybe more afterwards. More often than not, BC:3 means that we’re heading back down to BC:4

BC:2…A very small number of people are notified. People are ‘activated’… The public will probably not be notified of BC:2… But it’s possible

BC:1…We’re already there. It is damned unlikely anyone not present will be notified of BC:1

And a note… we’ve been rocking back and forth between BC:4 and BC:3 for the past week