So, LJ has a new toy to make users feel self important. You can find users who match your intererst list. I’m not exactly sure what mechanism is used but the description is that each user gets a ‘magic index’ which is a weighting of two factors: the raw number of like interests, and some extra points for sharing uncommon interests.

However, there seems to be a problem. Just because someone is on your list, it doesn’t mean you are on their list. Below is my top 20. I’ve also added where I show up on their list of top 150 and what my magic number is on the rare case that I do show up. Finally, I added the number of people in my top 20 in their top 20.

So my question is not, who matches with me… but who do I match with?

# User Magic
1 janedeau 75.8 22.9 50 5
2 jeni 50.1 6
3 andragon 49.1 7
4 tinjuko 45.9 5
5 estokes 44.0 4
6 rebequa 43.7 6
7 shadowsong 43.2 4
8 duchess_webb 43.2 7
9 bansidhe 43.0 5
10 grendel 42.6 8
11 akgnome 42.0 37.2 8 6
12 cremlian 41.9 6
13 tequilatrinity 41.9 6
14 sorchawench 41.7 10
15 reive 40.6 6
16 iceblink 40.5 6
17 littlegirl 40.3 5
18 luminosity 39.3 6
19 star_traveler 38.7 6
20 lalenalefay 37.7 2

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