Archive for May, 2002

LJ online quizzes

Fianna (fiannaharpar) wrote @ 2002-05-31 14:05:00

The fact that I took this quiz in the first place probably knocks off about 5% of my worshipableness.

Bookstores used to sell a blue and white leaflet like magazine to test your own IQ. It has a series of white sillhouetted heads that got progressvely larger and had an increasing IQ in each one.

I always thought it’d be wonderful if one of those magazines had the following on the page where you computed the end score:

All cumulative

Point adjustment desc Point adjustment
If you really thought this would compute your IQ Subtract 5 points
If you bought this for someone else Subtract 15 points
If you bought this for yourself Subtract 25 points
If you bought this. Subtract 20 points
If you’re not sure what cumulative means Subtract 30 points
If youthink this will get you into Mensa Subtract 100 points Mr. Gump.

Stolen from vocis (she to whom I owe my career):


I am 69% worshipable! And you? Find out!

Now, after reading this one. This could make me swear off tests. I played with my answers and I became more ‘worshipable’ the more I was ‘a good boy.’ Personally, I think worshipability comes from a strong character, charisma, and a solid belief structure that rivals others.

Granted that’s just me. So ‘la la la”

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take free enneagram test

Here’s the top and bottom:

type score summary
5 18 Fives are basically on some level ambivalent about the world, consequently, their mind is usually their best friend. They like to analyze things and make sense of them (that is their anchor), perception and invention come naturally. The immense inner world of fives can cause them to lose touch or interest in reality.
9 9 Nines are calm, laid-back, and optimistic. They are able to see everyone’s point of view, and have a natural desire for making peace. Consequently, they are effective mediators. Fearful of conflict and separation from others, they can be too accommodating and unassertive.

Here’s the whole chart


So, people have been putting down the compatibility test. I made one for myself so I can people can see exactly how ‘compatible’ they are with me. My opinion and faith in these tests however have been dropping like a stone lately.

When I made this test, I think it tried to compare me to me. Compatibility Test
Your match with Andrei
96% friendship compatibility
93% relationship compatibility

How Compatible are You and Your Andrei?

Needless to say I am amused that I am 4% incompatible to myself, and even more humourous 7% unlikely to want to date myself 🙂

Any other takers?