In my last post I said, “Well, such a fun ramble for a Satyrday morning. Fortunately, the bile I brought up last night in a temporary foul mood was minimal.

This was not correct. I need to make a public apology. Last night I got a bit mean online with a long-time, dear friend and ex-lover. She has put up with a grand row of s*** for me over the years and I inappropriately crossed the line last night.

My friend was having a bit of a rough night. She’s having some very personal issues that i can understand deeply. She’s a bit on the frightened and lonley side. She needed an ear to listen to her. I was angry and confrontational. But I was also torn. I can’t walk away from someone I care about when the are in pain. Last night, I wasn’t in any shape to be a friend and should have been open and told her about this from the word go.

I said some incredibly rude things that are typically inappropriate, are more inappropriate due to the nature of our friendship, and were horrendously inappropriate due to her situation and mindset. There is no way for me to take them back. Only acknowledge how much of an ass I was to someone I’ve loved for close to 8 years and hope to keep as a treasured friend.

In this universe I’ve learned there is no joy without this friend. And I hope she can understand that I do understand how out of line I was.

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