Actually got up by 7am. Not bad… Dozed off at 9:00pm. Then woke up again and made a journal entry around midnight.

Woke up tired and off center. Thought to myself…”great. 2 depression days in a row.”
I promised myself that today I would officially start BFL. Bought some protein bars and water. (No soda, no energy drink, no morning pastry)

Filled the car with Gasoline, (Logged the milage) and washed the windows. This gave me a mini-fuzzy. (Feeling of minor accomplishment)

Popped the first side of the first of two BFL tapes in the car. The author sounds smarter than he looks. Also, listening to hom talk about reigning in your mind and committing to a goal sounds a lot like stuff in Book IV by Crowley. i guess at heart it’s all the same.

He talks about taking care of the inside to get to the outside; not the other way around. Which makes sense; despite the fact that I’ve been approaching it al backwards.

Into the office. measured to herald the official start. 204.5# yes that is the absolute worst weight I have ever measured on myself. And it will be the worst weight.

Into the office, a quick one off and on to the day….

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