This was posted in . For them it means exactly what it says.

In my history it has nothing to do with anything you might think it means…

There is maybe one other person on LJ who might read this identically to how I am. But I don’t believe this person reads my journal anymore.

Hello Tulsans and Tulsa fans!
From the User Info: This is . It’s a place to talk or post pictures about Tulsa History, what’s happening in Tulsa, and future plans for Tulsa. Another purpose of this community is for live journal users who live in and around Tulsa to meet, talk and get to know one another.

You do not have to join this community to post. You don’t even have to live in or be from Tulsa to post. You just need to have a healthy respect for Tulsans, Tulsa, and its stories.


Oh, how this reads to me.

I may explain it in another post.

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