Archive for March, 2003

Note, the song going thru my head is entirely the fault of someone who posted to one of my communities and hir icon looks like this.

Seattle day 2 was a blast. New people and old people. Here is the quick shout out list of the people I met (perhaps, even in order): stillraven, sea_gaagii and joystormer

Then shimmeringjemmy dragged me (oh, yeah… real kicking and screaming) over to a game-party at alegria_a & ezzie00‘s. This alone was cool because I hadn’t seen them since I moved far from the Burgh o’ Pitts.

Other familiar faces at the shindig were: dr4b and meerkat299 add to that some cool games played with new people: rev_blacky, lurker, and eub.

Actually, I wish I could remember the name of the gaming-game we played because I really wanna pick up a copy.

A pleasant evening with shimmeringjemmy and a not so pleasant trip back to the airport. Not that the trip to the airport was bad, but it meant saying good-bye to her again. That part is becoming less fun each visit. I may have to do what is necessary to remove the annoyance of having to say good-bye to her for extended periods of time.

I’ve added a bunch of these people to my list now for occasional perusal. If you’re a regular reader here, feel free to tell the new people to check out this post so they can get their warm fuzzies from the LJ-Shout-out thingee.

Thanks all for making my visit to Seattle a complete blast!

Tonight was my local body’s equinox ritual. I’d be lying if I said this isn’t my favourite time of the year. The days are beginning to edge past the nights. There are more breezes (as opposed to face biting winds), there are more days that are very clear, and of course… Well, we walk into the Sun Sign of Aries… which I tend to have some experience with.

Here is a shot of the offending planets, officer

There is a picture to this one, so I’ve put it behind an LJ cut.

I know that my system isn’t wired like the majority of people out there. I get constant reminders of this. I was reading through my friends page catching up on many posts. I saw two journal entries from two friends that were sort of ‘down’

Sadly, I looked at the posts pictures and said to myself, “Ooh, two in a row.”

Often I wonder if wired normally, if I’d be incapable at looking a woman in the eyes, too.

Take that as you will.

The evidence caught my eye immediately

I have another post yet coming about my Seattle trip but I thought I’d take this time to get caught up on where my life is.

It may go on a bit…

To all who read this: 93!

An ironic preface to this note: I am writing this post on an airplane. My ‘single serving friend‘ is Amanda. Amanda is a woman who is apporximately 30 reading Sylvia Browne’s book on Finding the Spirit Guide. She is baptist and is studying this and looking to meet with a teacher to learn energy work. We spoke briefly about the parallels between a spirit guide and the concept of a holy guardian angel. I seemed to have drawn her away ‘through definition’ from the concept that “Pagan” is a derorgatory term. I wonder if I should tell her I’m an ordained Deacon and a Novitiate Priest.

A quick additional word before we start. The opinions contained herein are mine. They are neither fact nor official definition. This is the makings of MY religion. You can opt to agree, disagree, shake your head and sigh, or deify me and make posters with me making funny gestures while I wear screwy hats. Your life; your choice. I also state my views of other religions… they may be right or wrong. Other people seem to know much more about other religions that I do about them. That being said, this is what I believe as a result of either my accurate or inaccurate opinions. Feel free to correct or comment. Personal attacks will be blissfully deleted.

The short form…