Archive for June, 2003

New friends added: mrlogic and mikeromo

Two great (and unbelievably different) guys I’m glad to have gotten to know and have had the priveledge of working with.

43 days and counting

So, first off, what’s with the number?

I figured, I’d tell myself that I could get myself a new job in 45 days (1 1/2 months). Many of you may scoff at that, especially in Fuhrer Bush’s economy.

But here was today:
I tweaked my resume to current status. It will be up on a web site by tomorrow.
I picked up new business cards, they rock.

I went to Santa Monica and joined members and ex-members of the team for our weekly Friday lunch. This was nice, we actually got to talk. Tuesday it was very much, here are your papers, leave from the upper mgmt.

I took about 2 hrs after lunch talking to people on site, saying goodbye, inquiring of new divisions. Boxing a little. Then I found it…

My Hire letter from Symantec, dated 1/29/01. Note, I was laid off from TGCC on 1/2/01… So we’re talking 27 days from layoff to hire.

I think 45 days is reasonable… 🙂

I’ll post the web link, resume link, and business card very soon.

Keep sending good vibes and energy!

It would seem that the cap is $370 a week for anyone who makes over 38,376.04

For those who complain the the government is trying to help the rich and hurt the poor. Personally, I take this more as the government is trying to punish anyone who has fallen from a high pay.

Capped unemployment income is $19,240 / year.

The UI program benefits the individual and the local community. Payments made directly to the individual ensure that at least some of life’s necessities such as food, shelter and clothing can be met while looking for work. For the most part UI benefits are spent in the local community, which helps sustain the economic well being of local businesses.

My rent, without food or clothing exceeds my capped unemployment income.

Note however: The award shown is you maximum UI award benefit for this claim. The maximum award is 26 times the weekly benefit amount.

So you can get up to 1/2 year. Or… 9620.

For everyone that made cracks about my salary and what I can and can’t afford. Have a nice day.

Fortunately, I have severance. Secondarily… I will have a job in 44 days.

Later that day…

This is going to be a fairly long entry… It will be cut, to spare the people who have me on their friends page. This way you can skip a bit.

Inside will be the workings of my head. I will say lots of honest things. Who knows if I should or shouldn’t. But it’s how I am.

My mind as it unfolds…

Horrorscope for today

Your Daily Horoscope for June 18, 2003

This is a good day to spend some quality time with loved ones, ANDREI. Try not to get too caught up in work or financial concerns. Although you could have a lot on your mind, take comfort in family now. Spend the evening talking with your kids and having a real meal where everybody sits down together. Really learn what is going on with your kids at school. You might have a chance to offer some important guidance or encouragement.

The long post is in progress. It will answer the question, “How are you?” that many of you have asked.