I’m going to be sending thank-yous to everyone who posted… and as per request, please levy all remaining and future job acquisition energy at lrstrobel

I am not going to go into specific details about the job at this time as I am currently waiting on paperwork from the company (so, while close to the end of my journey, there’s still one or two more steps.)

The job is in Pasedena (Yes home of the Rose Bowl and similarly named Parade). This is approximately 25 minutes west of where I live. I also would be traveling opposite from rush hour so, the commute will pretty much go down by about 70%

This will also put me about 1/4 the distance from the OTO body that I currently serve as an officer.

I will be doing Mac Software Engineering. So, I’m still in the same trade. I have had to take a pay-cut of about 6.5%

(Yes, we love this economy 😛 )

And there may be more details later 🙂

thanks again….

Edit:Corrected some terminology to aleviate confusion

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