Archive for February 2nd, 2004

Silly and weird

Cribbed from a quickie by songspell

Penguin Batting practice

This weekend was a big time OTO for me. On Saturday, I got to run through one of our initiation rituals. I got to be the one running the ritual that night. I am doing that in order to train myself in the hopes of becoming an initiator.

This has a great spiderman-ish wave of, “With great power comes great responsibility”

Doing one of these rituals takes a lot of preparation and work. To anyone who is considering taking that path in the order, I truly recommend going thru the practice. It is a very strong experience both for learning the ritual and learning more about yourself.

Sunday was our regular, monthly, gnostic mass. The priest was elqahar and the priestess was the ever beautiful shimmeringjemmy. We had a first time Deacon and Soror S and phosteres were the children. I got to run music. This was the first time that I’d watched H. perform the mass. At least without actively Priesting for her.

The lovely epiphany accepted my invitation to attend her first mass and she seemed to have a good time. You can tell it was a good mass, because the social nature devolved happily afterwards. Also present were robynne and…. hmmn. Now here’s the problem.. I could list his LJ name from his primary account, but he tries to keep that separate from his OTO LJ account. So.. If you want his LJ name and don’t remember it… Message me off journal 😉

All in all… A good time had by all. Agape!

(I just wish I’d had better cards dealt)

The following comments are random stream of consciousness to get my brain working this morning. It’s been a long weekend. I am tired and working on about half speed. I am finding a topic that annoys me in the hopes of jump starting my brain. You’ve been warned.

Originally, I had parts of this post open and part behind a cut. Sadly, the annoyance of my mood was that the post, “got away from me.” I don’t type opinion on this level as much because my brain tends to just go galavanting down whatever corridor it finds, much like a 13 year old trying to map a Dungeon with his friends on a Saturday afternoon.

So, behind the cut is what started as an irascible statement about the media tempered by my scathing humour dealing with the real annoyance at our last president. Which of course caused the dominos to fall over in a very strange pattern.

Read if you will, comment if you care. My place my words.
Cut for mature language. Cut for non-sensical ranting