Archive for February, 2004

Maybe there is hope… (which is not known for it’s liberal audience) has a quick vote on Lou Dobbs Site

The QuickVote is to gauge if people support a constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage. Happily the percentages are over 4-1 against. with nearly 14,000 voting.

So, Tuesday it begins

Tomorrow at 7:45 I get to report for jury selection. I have pulled the ‘nice’ clothes and am probably up far too late…

More as this develops.

Everybody wants to be a cat… because a cat’s the only cat who knows where it’s at…

Aristocats, Disney

orange cat
You are an orange cat, fierce, unpredictable, and a
little mean sometimes. You’ve got lots of
masculine energy and woah, I wouldn’t want to
be in your way if I got you angry!

What color of cat are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

The quiz is actually good because the questions don’t seem obvious or leading. The picture threw me. The description is hauntingly accurate.

There was a recent post in the polyamoury community on LJ. Someone was talking about a realization that they were bisexual and polyamourous. The person is also mostly engaged to someone who is very monogomous. Sie then goes on to talk about how hir partner is straight and mono. Sie wants to broach the topic without making hir partner feel inadequate because, “…(the partner) can be a little insecure” and where as sie can be, “…a little impatient with people that don’t share (the poster’s) point of view.”

I was actually motivated to post about the reality of communication in a relationship. How it really does work to find someone who shares your views and someone you can be completely open and honest with. I wanted to comment about how a real test in love is your self image and faith in each other.

Then I looked at the poster’s user info. 19 years old. 20 in a few weeks.

I rolled my eyes, shrugged and made my comment here instead.

I remember filling a form out online once that asked for my age. It had
18-24, 25-34, 35-45. I was 25 years old. At the time I hated being grouped with 34 year (very) olds. By 28 I was surrounded in 24 year olds who didn’t understand why I felt so comparatively old to my friends. Somewhere around 29 my Saturn return ended and I came to terms with my age. From 29-33 I made a lot of mistakes and learned alot about myself. (Hell, I still make mistakes, fortunately… they seem to be getting smaller and easier to fix) All through my 20s I was convinced I knew what was going on and where I was going.

I got engaged the first time at 21. I did it because I wanted to prove to the girl I was dating that I was in fact faithful despite her accusations and did want to be with her. (What a reason) I think back on myself at 19.. going on 20. I had failed out of college. I was hanging out with a Rocky Horror cast. I was working at Chuck E. Cheese. I was telling a girl at work I was gay to get her interested in me. (Yes, I was that shallow)

So here I am. A callous? man in my mid 30s. Is my romanticism dead? No. Is it tempered by reality and possibility? Yes.

Don’t trust anyone over 30. They’ve outgrown the desire to fix someone and sometimes have a love of the natural chaos that makes people learn on their own.

To PA (the 19 y.o. poster). My advice. Dump the person you’re with and find someone who shares your core values that you truly feel you can talk to. This should only take 5-15 years. 😉

Edit:Fixed a tag. Clarified who PA is.

I like numbers

From the department of I like numbers….

I have a site meter on my journal page that is shared by my user info page.

The meter is on the right side in my Net Badges section just under my calendar on the Journal. It is somewhere in the middle of my userinfo page. It will also pop up on any single journal entry page.

As of this writing while I sit in a Borders in Glendale, the ticker is at 9,591. It’s been running almost as long as I’ve had the journal. So, I am curious…

Who will get the 10,000th hit on my pages? Now, I’m telling you all this early to be on the lookout. I don’t think however, that it’s so close to the moment that people will start trying to auto-hit the page to make the number.

I am posting this for anyone who wants to comment as they hit interesting numbers. 9600, 9669, whatever tickles your fancy. But I am curious to see if anyone actuallly hits number 10,000 and comments. (Honesty is appreciated 😉

*Shrugs* That’s all for now from Borders. shimmeringjemmy is now going to exact her revenge on me for buying a $120 Sondheim DVD collection earlier. She has 5 books and 4 DVDs she has found and has caused much drool factor.

She does point out that she told me I should get the Sondheim collection because I was valiantly trying to make an honest saving throw against buying it despite much of my own agogness.

Have I mentioned in this forum how much I love her?