Archive for July 3rd, 2006

Voice Post:

I like doing random acts of kindness.

For example.. one of my all time favourite people is fiannaharpar. We go waaaay back.

There are stories upon stories.

So, I decided to do something for her. I wanted to give her some of my happier weird memories that we share.

So here they are:
(For the most part, these come from YouTube)
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4

I think I got the order correct.

So… if there is a creature known as the HGA: Holy Guardian Angel; which we might be able to define as the perfected self that tries to lead us toward the path of self perfection…

Does it follow that there might be an IDD (Infernal Destructive Demon): Which we might be able to define as the imperfected self that raises our weaknesses, ego, and makes us lower than we are.

How would we recognize the difference?