Many people complain that LJ is “Bad”

It is a place where the average person forgets that there is any form of social procedure and drops anything from personal tragedy to rumour mongering to unsupported character assassination.

But it’s also a place where friends separated by thousands of miles can share the birth of a child. It’s a place where a new job after a year of searching can be happily proclaimed. It’s a place where the answer to your long sought question can be answered.

LJ is a tool. No more and no less. How each person chooses to use that tool separates the man that builds a log cabin from Tobe Hooper.

Today I read a piece of stirring commentary. It is very well written. It has a strong political bias… but the bias is not from rote as so many people suffer it today. This bias is based in the person’s experience. The experience is captivating and justifies the opinion. (At least in my own). It’s a long and at times difficult read… but worth it.

Personally I’m glad for LiveJournal because it affords me links like this one.

Credit to shimmeringjemmy who pointed me there.

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