Archive for November 10th, 2006

Lots of really good work here. Some people got extra credit for really good answers. Some… partial credit for valiant attempts. My threshold was 20 pts. If you couldn’t get 20… You were either screwin’ around or don’t know me at all…

Let’s go to the tape…

3 Copies of SJ Tucker’s latest album Sirens appeared in my mailbox today.

If you haven’t discovered the music of this skinny white chick you are really missing out. Pagan folk with just a twist of… well twistedness.

One of a dying breed of Gypsy Songwriters… S00j is one of the finest travelling entertainers you will get to see in this generation (or maybe any to come) A fun show that leaves behind a pied-piperian ravenous following.

Check her itinerary for when she’s in your area. And if she’s not… Find her a venue and book her 😉

Great album!

Current scores

Out of 88 pts

Current quiz scores from

34 who_is_she new entry
43 maeghanne
52 faerievixen2, jagienka
53 kelliusunholius this is a correction
54 glitch25
60 aryel_moffit new entry, correction
61 fiannaharpar
77 lazuli93
81 queenofhalves
82 shimmeringjemmy new entry

Answers later. Feel free to go back and re-guess or fill in on ones you skipped