Archive for March 12th, 2009

(Muffled) Appo Jews?

If you hear any of us making this odd comment over the next few days; I must explain.

We’re moving into the final 10 days of packing. As a result I commented yesterday that for the first day or two we’ll still be telling people, “No, let’s sort… let’s arrange”… which of course will be followed by the last 3 days of, “F*@#&K IT, THROW IT IN A BOX”

This of course was followed with me suggesting the following scene..

I tap on a box. I tap on another box. I tap on the third box and a muffled voice says, “Appo Jews?” (tr: Apple Juice)

Ah, that’s where the toddler got to.

With this image jnanacandra and Tzaddi_93 were convulsing.

Note: No toddlers were actually boxed in the proposal of this humourous potential incident.

Daily Twittering

  • 08:21 @gwenix It looks like my algorithm explanation may have poked a hole in your addition. #
  • 08:34 It amuses me that there are things I can not twitter about for at most 42 days. I realize this is vague. #
  • 12:45 @greggrundberg I added it on IMDB but never got 100% verification. Were you an uncredited heavy in “Detroit Rock City?” #
  • 17:46 @rlsrox You don’t have to get twitter. You just use it. It’s somewhat zen. #

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